Sunday, July 5, 2009

What's New?

Hot Shit Form Here
  1. New header
  2. New tagline, instead of “not your ordinary” to “life and more”
  3. I planned to change my site’s template
  4. Hot Shit Form Here is now has a Google rank 4!
  5. I am not ready to continue my Entrecard drop regime; I am hoping I could stop using Entrecard in the future, but I will try my best to do my best to return every EC drop here

My Little Black Pot
  1. I already started to post entertainment news as usual there, but I think I will have to limit the exposure of this site just yet. I am experimenting on how to attract new visitors without have to rely on Entrecard.

Bluecrystaldude (That’s me!)
  1. I have finished my ten weeks of industrial training! Yeah! And now I will start my new semester (my final year) today. No holiday for me…
  2. I will have to lay out a new visiting plan for my favorite blogs and sites. Since my new courses for this semester require an extra attention, I hope I could visit all my favorite sites without jeopardize my study.
  3. Thank you for your support!

Have a nice day!

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(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured for a month!)


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