Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And still they come......

Thurs morning 23rd Sept
Three weeks on Saturday since the first quake.... and just in case you think it should be all settled down and is over with, then this snapshot taken of the last 24 hours should show you things are not yet all calm and peaceful. The fat red line at the bottom is the nice 4.5 we just had.
Better - yes. There are fewer quakes overall and far fewer adrenaline moments... but over?... apparently not.

On a very happy note, today is my last day at work before the school holidays - yeah. Phoebe's family are coming down to see us all and escape the current high winds of Auckland for some rock and rolling.
Probably are not a lot of people racing to stay here in Christchurch at the moment, unless they are structural engineers and seismologists - I know some people are here to help from other parts of NZ, and apparently American engineers are over here to study our liquefaction. Nice to be famous for something I guess!
