Peep the new video from my COLOR brothers, The Five One. Look 4 me to direct one of their next videos.
The Five One's influences range from legendary rock/pop artists to the most iconic figures in hip-hop culture. If you had to define their sound you would have to imagine The Beatles rapping over a punk song made by Bob Marley. Although their sound is refreshing, the most meaningful aspect behind The Five One is their concept. Revalulion [rev-uh-loo-lee-n], is the action of personifying oneself as a color, which is a philosophical term coined by the band. The members of The Five One Red, Blue, Green, and Gold, have simplified themselves from the complexities of societal identity by becoming colors.
The Five OneTwitter:
@TheFiveOnePeace*Love&SpaceshipsiLL ORANGE ProPhetTwitter @ILLPROPHETIll Prophet Facebook Page Ill ProphetIll Prophet Music Page -
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