Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tips to Cure Laziness and Study Effectively

Tips to cure your laziness and study effectively:

Study and examination

1. Try new methods of learning. Some students can understand better in diagram, some in mind mapping procedures. Some even in writing everyone back what they have read. I have met one of my friends who love to draw everything in cartoon characters to grasp his understanding on certain subject better. You have to try different types of learning method before you can understand yourself well.

Mind Mapping
Mind mapping can be fun!

2. Try different environment. I prefer a quiet place while my friend prefers to study in a hectic environment (so that he will not fall asleep while studying). If you get bored stuck in one environment, try another to switch up a little bit. I have this habit of prowling into the dark along corridors when I get bored of studying. Some passerby shocked out of their life, but that is the fun right?

3. Group study. Although I am not a big fan of this method of studying, in my university’s years, I have to adapt to it. Sometimes, there is a time when you cannot cover all of your subjects. Just ask one or two of your friends to study with you. They can present or explain to you in a short summary so you can understand better. Group study can provides you so much fun! Too much fun actually. Haish.

4. Always plan what you want to study. Laziness happens when you think you’re way too behind of your schedule or you’re too ahead of your study schedule. Just to be safe, write down what you are planning to learn on that particular day. Make sure you follow your schedule. Please note, just a simple schedule plan is sufficient.
Timetable for Idiot
Simple study plan!

5. Be flexible. I hate personal study timetable; yes the one that all your old teachers asked you to write it down and paste it on your study desk. The truth is, from my personal experience, I will never follow the timetable. The first reason is that there are certain subjects you want to learn it depending on your mood. For example, after finish watching CSI, I usually can focus more on my biology subjects. On the other hand, just to wake up your sleepy head, you might want to refresh it by doing some calculation. As a result, I planned my study as general as possible and that can suit mine better.

Note: This list is based on my personal experience. If you failed after following me tips, don't give up, that just means that you are not me!

The examination week is here! Good luck to everybody! I missed my college life so much! Have fun guys! Good luck!

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Bella +
+ Caroline +
+ Shemah +


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