The cover image was graciously donated by Jeremy of iZombie fame.
EditorialNOTE: There was a good enough response to the previous "issue" of Spatter Analysis to justify this second issue. As stated last time, none of the articles below are hosted on my blog, and the authors retain sole ownership. The links are provided here without explicit permission in many cases, because, as far as I know, linking with proper attribution does not go against proper blogger etiquette. Consider this the Midnite Media equivalent of an award, only rather than be awarded for your blog overall, it's for a specific post. You know what that means, don't you? More chances to win! Anywho, if for whatever reason you would like the link to your post removed, just let me know and it will be done away with.
November may very well be the most lackluster month of the year for many of us horror bloggers. Having spent the previous month building up to the genre-lover's happiest holiday, only to blow our proverbial load on that 31st day, our output may dwindle in the aftermath. But, as I hope to prove here in the second "issue" of Spatter Analysis, fewer doesn't have to equate itself with lesser. There were plenty of great pieces written in November, and what follows is just a sampling of some of my favorites. On an unrelated note, although Thanksgiving has come and gone, this humble beatnik bastard still has a lot to be thankful for (in no particular order): my beautiful and loving wife Melanie, who puts up with my obsessions even if she doesn't understand them; my oldest and best friend Jimmy Retro, who supports me--and usually joins me--in all of my stupid endeavors; bacon; cigarettes; Mountain Dew; Internet pals like J. Astro and Andrew Schrader; the support and friendship of my fellow horror bloggers; the fact that anyone cares enough to read my silly little reviews; horror flicks both good and bad; and, oh yeah, bacon. Cheers. --J/Metro
Table of Contents
Do widzenia, Ingrid!: Holger Haase of Hammer and Beyond remembers a fallen icon, Ingrid Pitt.
She Deserved Better: Murder victim Elizabeth Short visits Cole Roulain of Vitagraph, American in a dream, leading to a real life viewing of Brian De Palma's Black Dahlia.
Comic Book (Anti) Heroes - John Constantine: Jinx, from Totally Jinxed, offers up a biographical account of the surly occultist's early days.
Buried Starring Horro: Horro, of Horro's Gory Reviews, goes where few men have gone before. He gets buried alive. Sorta.
Could Obamacare Have Prevented the Jigsaw Killings?: CRWM from And Now The Screaming Starts gets political (kinda) in his assessment of the Saw franchise.
My Hammer Dilemma: Dave from Bloody Terror pulls us kicking and screaming through the World of Hammer and straight into the Hands of the Ripper.
The Politics of the Walking Dead: J.T. of Movie Feast examines the social commentary inherent in the zombie sub-genre.
Improving the Classics: Did you like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? Then you're going to love Moby Dick, or The Whale and Wolf Men as dreamt up by Bill R. of The Kind of Face You Hate.
Plan 9 From Outer Space Revisited...and Remade?: Upon learning that the notorious Ed Wood film is in the process of being remade, Bleaux Leaux from The Bleaux Leaux Reveaux revisits the original, and finds that maybe it's not all that bad after all.
Chopping Mall - No One Kills Dick Miller With Squiggly Lights and Gets Away With It: Andre from The Horror Digest ruminates not only on the killer robot flick in question, but also a simpler time when the mall was a cool place to be.
Could Have Been A Contender - Strange Behavior: Pax Romano of Billy Loves Stu tastes the rainbow of this little-known 1980s flick.
Microwave Massacre: Jenn of Cavalcade of Perversions spends more time than any sane person would deconstructing one of the most-fabled Big Box Productions from days of yore.
On Remakes: Certified ranter (and fellow member of the CJFBAPMC) J. Astro of Screen Grab sounds off on the controversial practice of remaking genre films.
Why I Hate Torture Flicks: Tits and a Scream, from the blog of the same name, lays down the law on why she despises the Saw franchise and others of its ilk. And no, you're not going to change her mind.
Adam Green - Friend or Foe?: In what is sure to be a controversial post among the genre fans, Big Daddy of Big Daddy's Horror Reviews attempts to answer the titular question.