Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Candice crawford - pictures


The immaculate Tony Romo-Candice Crawford wedding trailer video
You may not remember this, but way back when Midwest Sports Fans was still in its infancy, an up-and-coming, aspiring sports reporter named Candice Crawford contributed a few articles for us. She quickly went on to bigger and better things here in the ... read more

Photos: Cowboys QB Tony Romo and wife Candice Crawford
Photo: TONY GUTIERREZ / AP In Firefox, go to Tools / Clear Recent History. Check the "Cache" box and uncheck all other boxes. Click "Clear now." In Internet Explorer, go to Tools / Internet Options. Check the "Delete browsing history on exit" box. ... read more

Tony Romo and Candice Crawford's cringe-making wedding shows tearful marriage ...
But nothing surely can quite compare to the rather cringe-making official wedding video of American footballer Tony Romo and Candice Crawford. The video contains footage of the ceremony, which took place in Arlington Hall in Dallas back in May, ... read more


Candice Crawford
Candice Crawford Pic
Candice Crawford 1
Some say that Candice Crawford
Candice Crawford and Tony Romo
PHOTOS: Candice Crawford
candice crawford
Candice Crawford,
Candice Crawford PICTURES

Corvette 2010 Race Schedule Tee - White

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100 Power of Sony Ericsson Xperia Duo

Sony Ericsson Xperia Duo- Sony Ericsson launched its first mobile dual-core Duo Xperia in September this year. With a large 4.5 inch touch screen Xperia Duo will also come integrated with Bravia Engine technology Mobile. As for rumors of this screen 4.5-inch touch screen will support 960 x 540 pixels resolution.The QHD dual-core CPU inside Xuo Xperia occurred in 1.4 GHz

Other than that one will Xperia Duo 12-megapixel camera with Exmor CMOS R for images of high image quality and video recording of class. Yes, we anticipate that the camera shoots video at 1080p Full HD and play it.

To feed the large number of energy-laden hardware, Sony Ericsson will add a 2500mAh battery with enough juice for at least a day.

The new range of smart phones bearing dual-core hardware level super expensive and certainly more than look attractive, but many users found out that the phones are too big for their hands. Obviously, these devices focus on users who wish to take advantage of their smartphones. Developers and enthusiasts love as powerful phones. Hopefully you can find a 1000 Pros of the Sony Ericsson Xperia Duo which I describe above. thanks

Inilah 8 Kemampuan Mengagumkan dari Otak Bayi

Bayi mungkin kecil dan tidak dapat bercakap-cakap dengan orang dewasa, tetapi bayi membuktikan bahwa mereka memiliki kepintaran dan kemampuan otak yang luar biasa. Setidaknya ada 8 kemampuan mengagumkan dari otak bayi. Apa saja?

Berikut 8 kemampuan otak bayi yang mengagumkan:

1. Tahu siapa yang menjadi bos
Sejak usia 10 bulan, bayi sudah bisa memahami hierarki sosial. Ketika ditunjukkan adegan kartun yang menampil sosok bertubuh besar dan kecil yang sedang berinteraksi, bayi akan mengerti bahwa sosok yang besar adalah bos.

Temuan ini telah diterbitkan pada Januari 2011 di jurnal Science, yang menunjukkan bahwa bayi memahami hierarki sosial dan tahu ukuran yang dapat menentukan siapa yang bertanggung jawab.

2. Mengerti mood dan emosi
Meski bayi belum bisa berbicara, ia akan tahu ketika Anda merasa sedih. Bayi usia 5 bulan dapat akurat membedakan nada suara optimis dan suram, menurut sebuah studi yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal Neuron tahun 2010.

3. Terlahir untuk menari
Berbicara tentang musik, bayi tidak bisa menolaknya. Telinga mereka tak hanya disetel dengan ketukan, bayi sebenarnya juga bisa menari dengan birama, menurut sebuah penelitian yang diterbitkan pada jurnal Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences tahun 2010.

Bayi-bayi mengerakan lengan, tangan, kaki, torso dan kepala lebih banyak dalam menanggapi musik daripada berbicara.

4. Cerminan tindakan orang lain
Tak mengherankan bila Anda melihat sesuatu yang luar biasa di mata bayi. Bayi dapat meniru tindakan yang Anda lakukan, karena menurut studi yang diterbitkan Biology Letters tahun 2009, peneliti menemukan daerah motor yang aktif pada usia 9 bulan adalah yang berperan sebagai neuron cermin.

5. Belajar dengan cepat saat tidur
Bayi ternyata dapat belajar bahkan saat tidur, menurut jurnal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010. Dalam percobaan dengan 26 bayi tidur, ilmuwan memainkan nada musik diikuti oleh embusan udara ke mata mereka 200 kali selama setengah jam. 124 elektroda menempel pada kulit kepala dan wajah bayi untuk merekam aktivitas otak selama percobaan.

Hasilnya, bayi-bayi dengan cepat belajar untuk mengantisipasi embusan udara setelah mendengar nada, menunjukkan peningkatan empat kali lipat rata-rata dalam kemungkinan pengetatan kelopak mata dalam merespons suara pada akhir setiap sesi.

6. Seperti sangat mahir matematika
Bayi bisa membedakan antara dua dan tiga, menurut sebuah studi yang diterbitkan dalam jurnalProceeding of National Academy of Sciences tahun 2006.

7. Bayi dengan mudah mempelajari bahasa di dunia
"Bayi yang baru lahir dapat dikatakan 'cerdas' karena mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk hampir dengan mudah mempelajari semua bahasa di dunia," kata psikolog George Hollich dari Purdue University.

Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bayi mulai memahami tata bahasa, pengolahan tata bahasa dan kata-kata secara bersamaan pada usia 15 bulan.

8. Memahami emosi anjing
Bahkan sebelum bayi dapat mengatakan 'mama' dan 'papa', bayi dapat menguraikan emosi anjing. Sebuah studi 2009 menunjukkan bahwa bayi usia 6 bulan bisa menyamai suara marah membentak atau ramah dengan hanya ditunjukkan foto-foto anjing dengan bahasa tubuh yang sesuai. Studi ini dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Developmental Psychology.

President warns Cantor not to call his bluff

Does this mean Obama is admitting he’s bluffing?

At this point it makes no sense to continue to meet with the president. The GOPers need to pass a bill with cuts in spending, no tax increases and that allows the debt limit to be raised for the last time. Then if the Democrat controlled Senate and the president fail to sign it, then going into default would be their responsibility.

What’s so hard about that?


Barack Obama abruptly walked out of a stormy debt-limit meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday, a dramatic setback to the already shaky negotiations.

“He shoved back and said ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ and walked out,”
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told reporters in the Capitol after the meeting.
On a day when the Moody’s rating agency warned that American debt could be downgraded, the White House talks blew up amid a new round of sniping between Obama and Cantor, who are fast becoming bitter enemies.

When Cantor said the two sides were too far apart to get a deal that could pass the House by the Treasury Department’s Aug. 2 deadline — and that he would consider moving a short-term debt-limit increase alongside smaller spending cuts — Obama began to lecture him.

“Eric, don’t call my bluff,” the president said, warning Cantor that he would take his case “to the American people.” He told Cantor that no other president — not Ronald Reagan, the president said — would sit through such negotiations.

Democratic sources dispute Cantor’s version of Obama’s walk out, but all sides agree that the two had a blow up. The sources described Obama as “impassioned” but said he didn’t exactly storm out of the room.

“Cantor’s account of tonight’s meeting is completely overblown. For someone who knows how to walk out of a meeting, you’d think he’d know it when he saw it,” a Democratic aide said. “Cantor rudely interrupted the president three times to advocate for short-term debt ceiling increases while the president was wrapping the meeting. This is just more juvenile behavior from him and Boehner needs to rein him in, and let the grown-ups get to work.”

More here


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