Monday, March 26, 2007

Taxi Driver

"Paul Schrader wrote Taxi Driver during a very low point in his life and Travis was drawn from all the bad things he felt within himself at the time. I think this is why he tells us a lot (in the script) that Travis is drifting towards violence, but pulls back from making him as sinister and violent as he could in dialogue and action. He could not quite follow through with making this character as insane and out of control as Scorsese and De Niro did because that might mean that he was that insane and out of control. Or maybe he did feel that insane and out of control and was unable to fully explore it out of fear."

- Miriam Paschal, from her new Script-to-Screen Analysis


Taxi Driver Script


Master Scene Breakdown


Miriam's Script-to-Screen Analysis:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4



Profile of De Niro by Tarantino


Taxi Driver Documentary:

Part I and II

Part III and IV

Part V and VI

Part VII and VIII


Around the Web:

Paul Schrader Interview - "I was in a bad place."

Magnificent Obsession by Matt Zoller Seitz

The Last Temptation of Travis Bickle by Andre Caron

Postmodern Antihero by Matthew J. Iannucci

The anguish of God's lonely men: Dostoevsky's Underground man and Scorsese's Travis Bickle by Andrew J Swensen

Visions of Hell by Scott Curl

A Personal Journey: The Films of Martin Scorsese