Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sopranos Endings You Can Live With

Okay, I was pissed about the ending. I believe I used the words "cowardly" and "chicken-shit." Well, that hasn't stopped me from reading everything I can on the subject. Of all the many articles I've seen, my favorite is the superb shot-by-shot analysis found here at A Lesson A Day, which is as good as any film study we've done.

And now, inspired by Timothy Noah's recent article in Slate Magazine, here are 6 alternate endings that will hopefully bring just a little more closure into your life.



1) Slightly better but not much:

2) Hehehe... Not bad. Not bad at all.

3) I love it! The blackout was a bit flawed, though.

4) Funnier than it should be:

5) A Chase-Scorsese mash-up. Great!

6) The final shot steals the show: