Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fake It Until You Make It

Let's face it, sometimes you just have to fake it. I'm six months pregnant, have been with my husband for almost 12 years, have a three-year-old, and I'm in my 30s.

I don't want to be 20 but I don't want to wrestle with being aware of wanting to be hot. On the days I'm feeling a bit blah or un-hot, I just tell myself to suck it up and fake it. On those days I put an extra five minutes into getting ready and pick out something to wear that makes me feel like myself.

Oh, and really important, I don't mention this thought process to anyone, especially not my husband. This is the human condition and doesn't need to be shared with your lover. I realize if I can deal with it and not give this emotion a life, it will go away.

Adam Corolla (yes the guy who had a show called The Man Show) put it best: fake it until you make it. We are all going to feel less than great on certain days, and those are the days you put your chin up, chest out, and your best foot forward.

You focus on what is great about yourself, your life, and put a big smile on your face. Don't give in; remind yourself that people only see what we project.

I often find that by the end of such a day, I actually feel better and have bought in to my own act. How much of our lives do we create with our mind, attitude, and perspective?

Why not go for believing that your stuff is special and great and see what happens?

[Edited from BETTER IN '07 Strut Your Stuff by Gabrielle Reece]