Sunday, December 9, 2007

MM’s Book Announcement!

Hey guys,

I'd like to announce that I will be publishing right here on my blog the world’s first FREE SCREENWRITING BOOK!

I say it’s high bloody time we move away from this profit-driven classroom-style how-to industry led by self-proclaimed gurus who have never once written “FADE IN” in their lives and let writers debate the inexplicabilities of storytelling amongst fellow writers who are on the frontlines every day writing and studying the craft. Just as Radiohead changed the face of music with free downloads of their new CD, just as free internet porn sites have sent the porn industry into a freefall plunge, the truths of screenwriting shall also be free, shall set you free, shall open up the floodgates to what should be ongoing discussions about the craft, because we should grow together as a community by challenging each other, not pay to be taught by non-writers.

Okay, a few details. I don’t know when it’ll be ready, except to say sometime next year. I'll announce the title later along with a few other updates. This will not be the ultimate resource on screenwriting, but it will discuss many, many important topics for aspiring writers, which have not been adequately covered by the gurus, a sort of writer's eye viewpoint from one who's in the weeds and trenches every day. I'm also going to argue against a lot of ridiculous conventional wisdom (even about some of the most core principles), which I don't believe anyone has ever really done either. It’ll be stuffed with alternative, underground truths you haven’t heard anywhere else.

I’ve already written 4 or 5 chapters. Believe me when I tell you - it's spirited. Bill Donovan, the editor of Creative Screenwriting, once sent me an email and told me, “You feisty.” Yeah, well, this whole book will be written with as much passion as you’ve ever seen on my blog.

I'm also announcing this today because I’d like to periodically post excerpts of the book that I feel may need some feedback and/or debate. And if you’re new to screenwriting, I’d like to recommend the following books just to prepare you for what's to come:

Story by Robert McKee
Making a Good Script Great by Linda Seger
Psychology for Screenwriters by William Indick
20 Master Plots by Ronald B. Tobias
Story Structure Architect by Victoria Lynn Schmidt, Ph.D.
How NOT to Write a Screenplay by Denny Martin Flinn
Cinematic Storytelling by Jennifer van Sijll
The Story of Film by Mark Cousins

Yes, Robert, I plan to do just that. You’re going down, my friend.