Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Tag and Award

I receive another award!
I received my fifth award last weekend. Thanks to Sweetiepie. I never realize she is sweet too. LOL. Thanks so much for this award. I really appreciate it. Cheers~


In another matter, I were tagged by Look 4 Dream Girls to do this meme (I am only know what "meme" means after I Google it (!). So, if your internet vocabulary is not good as mine, this is the meaning of meme : Wikipedia). As I am an Entrecard's user and love being one (Read more about it HERE) I decided to do this tag. Plus, I want to know other Entrecard user that worth to be advertised.

Simple Entrecard Meme Instructions:

1. Read these instructions twice;
2. Drop your EntreCard at this site;
3. Drop your EntreCard at the 5 EntreCard users’ sites listed below;
4. Choose 5 other EntreCard users;
5. Copy these instructions to your own EntreCard meme article and tag (link) those 5 people;
6. Include a link to the EntreCard meme article of the person who tagged you;
7. Link to the original article “Sam Freedom’s Drop Squad - the First EntreCard Meme Known to Bloggers“;
8. Notify the people you choose that they’ve been tagged;
9. Comment below so even passers-by can drop their card at your site, too (it shows you are active and will likely return the favor)
10. (optional) IF you tag your blogs, use both “entrecard” and “entrecard meme” as tags so that others can find them AND so that we can find them all later as this grows. (If you don’t know what tagging is, don’t worry.)

Five other Entrecard blogs I love are (even though I don't think they will do this tag =) :

Space of Reality
Le Trash
Daisy The Curly Cat
Suburbian Queen

I want to tag these two blog too but Wow already did :

My Love Hub
Bluedreamer Paradise

I am in happy mood! My thermodynamic test being postponed!! LOL :D