Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Giving is Better Than Receiving

Giving is better than receiving because giving start the receiving process - Jim Rohn
I am sure most of us have heard the line, "it is better to give than to receive". However, in my opinion, the giving and receiving hand has the same functionality. It just like your right and left hands. It may has a different functions but the main aim is to be part of your body. Analogically, for me, giving a blog award and receiving it has the same function; to encourage other blogger to strive for more as it is a form of appreciation and encouragement.

I have been the receiving end of this matter for sometimes. I love being appreciated. At least you know that your readers really read and enjoy your blog. As matter of fact, I have received 3 form of appreciations when I am on my short holiday.

The first one was from Angelbaby from Your Caring Angels, sending me a Friend Award. The second one was from Mr Viruz from Hall of Fame, showing his sign of appreciation acknowledgment to his friends, and the third one was from Hye from Space of Reality. She gave me her sign of gratitude for being her friend. Thanks to all. [You could see all those awards at the right side of my page]

As usual, I don't like to be the same as others, so I invented my own awards just like Hye.

The first award is the Addictive Blog Award. In a simple words, blogs that I will come at a regular basis. [I prefer a notification by email compared to other social bookmarkers. It's more convenience for a subscriber to check your updates] So, my Addictive Blog Award goes to:
About Every Little Thing
Suburbian Queen
Nisha World and Baby Alisha
Look 4 Dream Girls

Laughter is some all form of supplement that I need to make my day. I enjoy reading those blogs because the contents and the comments are funny, I mean really really funny. Needless to say, it's rare to find as a fixed phone nowadays. Thus, my Freaking Funny Blog Award goes to:

About Every Little Thing
Daisy the Curly Cat

The Professor's Blog Award is for those highly-intellectual-composed blog. It requires you to think. That been said you don't have to be a professor to read it. I wonder what a professor will read about through a blog? Must be some sort DNA replication and stuff. Prepare yourself to discover more about your thinking skills when you're entering these blogs:

Space of Reality
My Hush Space
Wise Up
My Thoughts on Stuff

And my last award, the Amazing Award goes to my faithful commenters and readers, that make me looking forward to hear their opinion every time I publish a new post. Thank you so much! My blog can't survive without you! [P/S: I got so many wonderful readers, so I have to limit my usage of Cupid's spreading love ability to only five most well behaved blogs]

Clumsy Mummy
Your Caring Angels
Hall of Fame
My Love Hub
Waliz Diary

I hope these awards will trigger undiscovered potentials in you and sharpen your current skills of blogging.

