Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Will be back on Thursday!

Three things:

1) As the title mentions, I'll be back on Thursday. There is so much to write about it. I want to explore a number of areas including UNsympathetic protagonists, fatal flaws in screenplays, and even a few more pro script reviews. I honestly hate not blogging and can't wait to write again.

2) I am aware of the issues with the feed which has affected the e-mail newsletter and the feed subscriptions in a few areas like Google homepages. I'm getting assurances that they are working on correcting this problem, and I appreciate everyone's patience.

3) Do you guys remember our love screenplay experiment? Well, we have a new hate screenplay, which offers 6-page shorts from 20 writers addressing the subject of hate, and it includes a short written by me called "Long Journey Home." Hope you enjoy it.