Friday, January 23, 2009

oh my god i think i'm in control

1st, I'm a little late on this, but CONGRATULATIONS, AMERICA! We have emerged from the Reign of Misunderestimated Terror and Bad Strategery into a new era of HOPE AND CHANGE.

2nd, you should all check out
Ida Maria, a Norwegian post-punk singer/songwriter because she ROCKS. Best song on her Myspace is the addicting "Oh My God," for its existential passion.

image from

She's coming to NYC with Glasvegas for two March dates. On March 28th, she'll open at Music Hall of Williamsburg, and on March 30, she'll open at Webster Hall. Tickets are $22 in advance, and I think they go on sale today.

3rd: Thanks to Rebecca for this tip. Go here: to watch Michael Pitt in the Fall 2009 YSL video... It's so HOT it should be illegal.

4th: OMG LOST RETURNED ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, and life will never be the same. I don't want to get into it because I can get pretty incoherent in my LOST rants. I rely on the geniuses at Lostpedia for that, but let me tell you that I think the premiere showed that we're all in for great surprises, twists, and turns this season, and with Marvin Candle/Mark Wickmund/Edgar Halliwax/Pierre Chang opening the season, I'm already pleased. Pleased, but not satisfied. Keep it coming, writers.