Thursday, May 14, 2009

A rare day

My office colleague and I have both been fighting off some lurgy this week, and the headaches were getting to us... so we rearranged a class today and both stayed home. Such a treat and I have made the most of doing very little... skimming around some housework and getting the washing dry in the sunny breezes. I refused to submit to guilt. I heard a lot of "shoulds" playing in my head, but tamed them into "I will" and "I wont's". Needless to say, I have gone nowhere, felt relaxed, a lot better, managed to catch up on lots of blogs, and am halfway through the sixth Harry Potter so that I am all ready when the film is released! I have to admit that I have also dozed off on a regular basis, mainly because I am warm and comfortable, lying on the couch with my soft pillows and a faux fur blanket. Bliss.. I don't even have to cook as I managed to put on a big slow cooker of minestrone yesterday... comfort food today.

Quite sure I would get bored with doing this everyday, and certainly don't want to do it because of pain, as many people do, but I have enjoyed it for one day :)