Saturday, June 6, 2009

Music to make you laugh or smile

Sorry for two blogs in one day, but I heard some music today as I raced to the supermarket... which got me thinking, or more accurately reminiscing..

The actual music I listened to was "The Red Hot Chilli Pipers" playing the new music style - Bagrock! Amazingly, the track was a medley that started with Deep Purple's track- "Smoke on the Water" ... I am not joking... Scotland the Brave on the bagpipes this is not... but the medley was catchy!
Apparently their album has gone triple platinum somewhere...

To see them in action, here is their version of the song by Coldplay, "Clocks" :

or just listen to them here doing Smoke on the Water
and, yes. you can hear them do Flower of Scotland if you click on that link :)

However, this did remind me of some other Scottish music that my friend once played me - in the middle of a meal - I nearly choked laughing.You can see it on youtube - here is one version, but there will be others if this disappears. Just google the name below.
"Wee Andy Llod Webbers Scottish Medley".

You can also buy it here:Wee Andy Lloyd Webbers Scottish Medley by Dean Park.

One of the other classics my friend introduced me to also had to be heard to be believed... an Australian - not sure if that is enough to explain that this sells music!

Mary Schneider Yodels the Classics..

She has a go at Gilbert and Sullivan here... and explains how she got into it.

She has a range of CD's and, if you haven't heard enough yet, you can also listen to more or download her mp3s here... and we can arrange for an encounter group to help you with your taste in music.

Anyway - hope that brings a small smile to your day.. I am off to walk the dog and enjoy the sunshine.