Da das Cover oben bereits vielen bekannt sein könnte: Ja, Mom heißen jetzt Sleep Whale. Den Namenswechsel feiern die Texaner mit einer Vinyl-Neuauflage ihrer EP Little Brite, auf welcher 6 Tracks zu finden sind, die hoffnungsgeladener nicht sein könnten. Ihre Zutaten sind zwar leicht zu beschreiben: Akustische Gitarren, Violinen und Cellos, sowie massiver Elektro-Einsatz. Doch was am Ende herauskommt, wenn Sleep Whale loslegen, ist ein unbeschreiblicher Mix aus Lebensfreude, Ekstase und Entspannung.
Genauso schön wie das auf der Aufnahme klingt, kommt Sleep Whales Musik auch live rüber - ein echter Konzerttipp!
Vorbestellen kann man die Schallplatte jetzt bei Western Vinyl. Und als kleinen Vorgeschmack gibt's weiter unten den Track Josh Likes Me gratis zu laden. Viel Spaß.
Joie de vivre, frenzy and relaxation
Given that most people might already recognize the cover above: Yes, Mom is now called Sleep Whale. The Texans celebrate the change of their name with a vinyl-edition of their EP Little Brite, which features 6 tracks that couldn't be filled with more hope. Their ingredients seem easy to describe at first: Acoustic guitars, violines and cellos, as well as massive electro-elements. But what comes out, as Sleep Whale are getting started, is an indescribable mix of joie de vivre, frenzy and relaxation.
Sleep Whale's music is delivered live as beautifully as on their records - a true concert tip!
The vinyl is now available for pre-order at Western Vinyl. And as a little teaser you can find a free download of the track Josh Likes Me below. Have fun.
Joie de vivre, frenzy and relaxation
Given that most people might already recognize the cover above: Yes, Mom is now called Sleep Whale. The Texans celebrate the change of their name with a vinyl-edition of their EP Little Brite, which features 6 tracks that couldn't be filled with more hope. Their ingredients seem easy to describe at first: Acoustic guitars, violines and cellos, as well as massive electro-elements. But what comes out, as Sleep Whale are getting started, is an indescribable mix of joie de vivre, frenzy and relaxation.
Sleep Whale's music is delivered live as beautifully as on their records - a true concert tip!
The vinyl is now available for pre-order at Western Vinyl. And as a little teaser you can find a free download of the track Josh Likes Me below. Have fun.
01 - Skipping Stones
02 - A Pebble Garden
03 - Josh Likes Me
04 - Sleep Whale
05 - Airplane Arms
06 - Little Brite
Genre: Acoustic / Ambient
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Western Vinyl
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