It's that time of the month. The beginning...in case you've had your head up your ass and you're wondering. What this means is that the guys over at www.crimesquad have put up their reviews for the month. Some of which I have slaved over. Worked my fingers to the bone over. Sweated blood over. Go on, read them. You know you want to.
There's one such review that I wanted to draw to your attentions. (I use the plural for any multiple personality types out there. May Contain Nuts is an inclusive blog)This is my review for R J Ellory's latest book, The Anniversary Man.
The review also includes a question and answer session we set for Roger about his book and his writing. In my view it is required reading for any pre-published writers, and curious readers out there. You will find it at the following link. Fingers crossed it actually works. Frankly, I could be better at the technological aspect of blogging.
Well I would if I could be arsed. Frankly. (Who is this fella Frank and why do we give him a name check when we want to assert our honest credentials? What is the etymology of Frank?)
I'm all about the words. And the occasional picture. And the comments. I LOVE comments. Leave me more comments. Makes me feel less like I'm involved in some form of literary masturbation. Which is good for you, my friend's 13 year old son told her to excuse his use of a certain website on her work laptop. Which is a whole other blog, that I ain't going to write.
Eeesh - now I'm worried about what adverts will appear down the right side after using the word "masturbation". No, the other right.
Anyhow, I digress. Which I'm allowed to do cos this is my blog, innit.
You'll find the excellent R J Ellory if you go to crimesquad He's about to be launched stateside, so the good people over there should be rushing to a bookshop asap.