Friday, September 25, 2009

Diners lash cray game - news - waikato-times |

A restaurant allowing people to catch their own live crayfish, mimicking an arcade game, has caused outrage.

The Backyard Bar and Restaurant on Auckland's North Shore operates Catcha Cray where diners pay $3 to manoeuvre a claw inside a glass tank to try to scoop up a crayfish to be cooked for dinner.

It is believed to be the only restaurant in the country offering the game.

The Auckland SPCA fielded concerns from five customers worried about the crayfish's treatment but was satisfied the game was safe after it was looked into by a leading fish and crustacean expert, inspector Todd Neal said.

"It's been done quite well, it's been researched. It's no different from any tank of crayfish in a restaurant.''

However, customer Lynette Baker said the metal hook used often pulled off the crays' claws and legs.

"Then they just throw the crayfish away or put the live ones back in the fridge for the next day.''

The owner of Catcha Cray, who wished to be known only as Patrick, said the arm used to catch crayfish consisted of three half-hoops that gently scooped them up.

The arm dropped the cray into a padded box and it was then taken away to be cooked.

"Every crayfish caught is going to be cooked. It's not cruel at all,'' Patrick said.

Crayfish are officially included as part of our Animal Welfare Act... I can't believe this is acceptable!!!!

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