Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cat breastfeeds squirrel

I am particularly pleased to see it is a Red Squirrel, not a Grey! Very cute... check out the link for even more photos :)

Been a hectic fortnight - James and Jess are now home from Bangladesh and their travels and my polytech classes have started again so had to get back into the swing of teaching. It was a good week, although tiring - three new classes meant a lot of talking and planning and worrying!
When my partner and I realised we both had a rare free weekend late Fri afternoon, we made some quick calls to the kids to make sure the dogs would have sitters all weekend, then took off for Hanmer Springs for a couple of nights - back to our favourite Drifters Inn - which I can recommend for a peaceful stay. Lovely to catch up with Kate and her parents again too. They gave us the spa apartment - bliss...
James and Jess were also over there with Jess's family - so we all met up on Saturday and battled our way through a mini-golf tournament in the hot, hot sun, (yes, summer arrived this weekend at last) and when it had cooled down a little, soaked in the hot pools before a beautiful romantic dinner at Malabar's - also worth a trip if you are there...the fusion food was delicious.
Another glorious day here - feeling rested for a busy week ahead :)

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