Sunday, May 2, 2010

April Winners and Summary Posts!

Thank You Note
Well, it's the time once again to express my gratitude to all my blog visitors. Thank you for being a part of Hot Shit Form Here last month. Thank you and hopefully to see you guys again next month!


The Way I See It
Bible Examples
Funky Town Disco Music
Web Design Web
Positive men
First Door on the Left
Art Shout!
Urban Art Blog
T-Shirt Reviews
Serian Man


Top First Commenter
Mariuca - 4
Monica - 3
Ane - 1
Dark Light - 1
Bella - 1
Bluedreamer27 - 1


Surprise Surprise!
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Last weekend, as I mentioned earlier, my family and I went to celebrate my grandmother’s 75th birthday party. We had our little party at the Red Box, The Garden near Midvalley and we had so much fun! The post party was held at one of my auntie’s home in Bukit Jelutong.

March Winners and Summary Posts!
Thank you so much for all!

Question for The Day #4
What is the weirdest gift you ever received or gave? - The Weirdest Gift of All

Top 10 Even Weirdest Gifts of All
My Top 10 Even Weirdest Gifts of All. Check it out!

Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Real Squirrel Feet Earring or Necklace

(Apparently) Bluecrystaldude is A Top Selling Artist!
Gossip Artis Paling Laris means, (based on Google Translate): Gossip Top Selling Artist). Although I think it actually meant, the most searched link. I clicked on the link and it shows some of my social networking sites. Thank God for that. I am flattered to be on that site, but to have an article posted about me without letting me know, it’s just plain weird. Plus, I am not a freaking artist!

Kick Ass!
We're not cool, we are free, and we're running with blood on our knees. We could rule the world on a silver platter. From the wrong to the right light. To an open stream

Without Hope & Dream, the World is nothing
I spent a large portion of my time in a week by watching lots of TV series. Some of my favorites would be American Idol, The Biggest Loser and Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew (ABDC).

First Ever USM Blogger Gathering
This week, I have been spending lots of my night life went out with my blogger friends from my university which is Universiti Sains Malaysia (University Science Malaysia, USM). I have known some of these amazing people from my daily encounter around the campus and some of them solely through blogsphere. Thus, one of my friends, YAN^S had made an initiative to organize a blogger event for us.

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Elaiski from Elai's Haven +
+ Mariuca from Meow Diaries +
+ Bluedreamer from TOP FIVE +


If you find this blog is interesting enough, do subscribe to Hot Shit Form Here by Email! I would be very happy!