Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Moment of Seriousness: 26.2 for Jamie Sue, or: Miles for Momma

It's time to take a momentary break from the usual horror genre jackassery that populates this blog, so that I can perform my own little PSA.

Just recently, my oldest and best friend Jimmy lost his mother Jamie Sue to brain cancer. Rather than merely sit on his haunches and mourn his loss, he's set out to actually do something about it, which impresses me more than I can ever explain. On October 10th, he will be participating in the American Brain Tumor Association's "Path to Progress Marathon"--that's a 26.2 mile run! By sponsoring him (or any other participant), you will be raising money to "support the research and patient/family support programs of ABTA." The best part is that for every dollar you donate, the Chicago Marathon will match it! So ten dollars out of your pocket is actually a 20 dollar donation to this very worthy cause.

I have never asked you, my readers, to donate money to me or to my blog. Everything I do here comes from my love of the genre. But I am asking you, if you enjoy my ramblings and reviews, to please consider making a donation. I couldn't be there with Jimmy when he needed me, so I'm hoping that any assistance I can give in fund-raising will make up for it.

If you would like to make a donation, or just learn more about it, please click here.

Tell 'em Jonny sent you.

Thank you in advance.
"The More You Know..."