Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Car Accident

Rear Left Passenger Door

This is going to be a short post only. Last Friday, when I was driving, my car was slammed by a bus. The bus was departed from its station and trying to avoid another car on his right. Unfortunately, he swayed to the left and hit the rear left passenger door of my car. Thank God my mum and I were left without a scratch.

Meanwhile, I won’t be blogging from tomorrow to Saturday. I will be leaving for Kuantan early tomorrow morning for a short family vacation there. Keep me updated by following my twitter!

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Ane from Life According to Me  +
+ Monica from Turn-U-Off +
+ Elai from Elai's Precious Angels +


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