Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Odorless Cigarettes

Marlboro Odorless Cigarettes: Smell won't stick to hair, clothing or hands. Undetectable by parents, teachers, and girlfriends, but smell like pure coolness to your friends.
Odorless Cigarettes

How cool is that? LOL. Anyway, sorry for missing out this couple of week. I just back from a short holiday and had to settle few personal things. Wait for my holiday post and others later! Hugs.

Picture courtesy of College Humor

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Mariuca from Wishing On A Falling Star  +
+ Monica from Turn-U-Off +
+ Shemah from Reel Madhouse +


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