Thursday, July 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Gunung Lambak

Sorry for missing out lately. I have been busy preparing for my job interviews and thank God, I succeed in securing one of the positions available. I will be start working on 16th of July and this also means that I will be leaving my home soon.

This is my parents’ home in Johor, Malaysia. The best thing about this place is that I was quite near a recreational mountain; it is called Gunung Lambak, but most of it already being cut down to give a place for a resort, water theme park, jungle tracking and other few outdoor activity centres. Fun fact: I never climb the mountain till the top!

Home sweet home

My home always has a plenty of space for our family activities. I used to play football (soccer), badminton, barbeque, camping and even drove my first motorbike inside of the compound. The only thing that is missing is a swimming pool!

Just outside the house, we have durian, jackfruit, mango and mangosteen trees. Unfortunately, since these trees are the main attraction of wild animals such as monkeys, wild boars and squirrels, my parents already chopped down the rambutan and papaya trees.

Fruit trees

On a personal note, this is gonna be a starting point to another journey in my life. I will have to reduce my Entrecard activity for a while - hopefully until I already settle down in a new place with a new job. Nevertheless, I will definitely update both of my sites regularly after this. Entrecard is good for my site, but it took too much time of mine.

Have a nice day everyone!

P/S: This post is inspired by Mariuca’s Home Sweet Home post!

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Monica from Turn-U-Off +
+ Ane from Life According to Me +
+ Rizal from RestnRileks +


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