Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pioneer Day-a little late!

Book eight in the Reacher series didn't last as long as I thought it would. I would have started book nine, but the darn thing is locked in my desk drawer at work and with Friday being a holiday for the state of Utah, I wasn't able to get to it. So to commemorate Pioneer Day (which is July 24th-every year!) I chose; Journey to Zion by Carol Cornwall Madsen, as my read for the weekend. It is a 732 page volume of pioneer stories. In short, it is a collection of Mormon trail journal entries. The book was compiled to help celebrate the 1997 Sesquicentennial Celebration of the Mormon pioneers trek West. I personally have no ancestors that were part of this movement, but my husband, Richard, has a rich heritage of early saints that made this trek. I found the book to be incredibly moving, if not heartbreaking at times. This book, as the author states, "notes the importance of the unity of the Saints-their commitment to a common purpose and their willingness to sacrifice personal needs..." for what they felt was the "greater good".
If you have ancestors that were a part of this movement, reading this collection of stories will make you appreciate them more. Happy reading!