Monday, July 5, 2010

one shoe. two shoe. red shoe. blue shoe. and naked barbies.

Well, first, I'd like to thank JB over at Red Shoes for thinking of me when he was given a blog award then asked/told to name 5 women he would totally do. I didn't say I was on his to-do list, but I was on his list of peeps to pass the award on to ... and that makes me feel pretty damn speshul. 1. Because the other blog awards I have received are from a blogger who I'm personal friends with and since we almost shared a wild night after tequila and youporn, she may have just given me the awards to say thanks for that. And 2. Because I really really like Red Shoes, in a blog-crush kinda way. Now that I've outted myself, here's what I won ....


Now, the rules. I've been looking forward to this part since I found my award on Red Shoes blog ... picking 5 people that I would totally bang ... in order that they popped into my mind ...

So he was born in 1987!? What-the-hell-evah. He's young enough to train. And to impress. I really think he needs me to bang him.

In the car. Under the car. On top of the car. I would totally bend over for this guy. Even if he is blond.

Big package. Irish accent. Need I say more. That's right, talk dirty to me in your Irish accent (.... whoops, forgot what I was doing there for a minute ....)

Not only do I have a soft spot for a man with a belly, but I also have a soft spot for men who that with their mouths ... Ok, I admit I didn't chose the best pic to post, but it's reminds me a little of T-Bone, and well, he cranks my wheel too ....

I'd pay big bucks to have sex with this man. Just sayin.

(insert boring elevator music while I catch my breath, take a quick shower, and go for a smoke .....)

Back to Red Shoes, I'd like to give this to you as a Thank You for my naked barbie award ....

please excuse the poor quality of the blackberry picture ... and fuck no, that is not hair on my legs. Yes, I modelled the shoes for you because I thought it would a tad odd if I asked my 13 year old to do it. And I felt a little kinky modelling something for someone on my blog. These are my 2 favorite pairs of Chucks that my daughter owns. The turquoise blue and the black with purple pair ... the pair that looks like it's a high top in a low top. Bought right from Vegas that she feels so speshul wearing them because so far, she's the only Canadian she knows that has them. Thanks again for the award.

Now, I am passing it on to ... hmmmm ...

absolutely Aunt Crazy 
(I can't wait to see you, 10 more days .... )

(was thrilled to have a one minute 3-way on the phone with you the other night ... if I wasn't in the middle of bbq-ing with T-Bone, I would have had more time to talk)

( I can't wait to see you, 10 more days ....)

(again because I love her last name, and her blog)

(again because she brought me to Red Shoes)