Sunday, January 30, 2011

3 Idiots on The Road

Who are the 3 idiots on the road?

3 Idiots on The Road

Evil drivers of HUGE truck/bus
Slow, unresponsive drivers
(Selfish, evil, I fooled you not) lady drivers.

They are basically the evil doers on the roads and can be dangerous to others.

Evil drivers of HUGE truck/bus
Needless to say, they are humongous; add that up with some of the most reckless driving skill we ever see, they are basically the Godzilla on the road. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw one long truck drove more than 100km/hr on the main highway (Federal Highway) in Kuala Lumpur. It even needs to use two lanes just to pass through a corner. Trust me, seeing one huge lorry with couple of containers on it surfing on the road is mesmerizing (and scary). How about those irresponsible bus drivers? They are basically committing a mass murder on the road. Idiot.

Slow, unresponsive drivers
When the road is becoming a battlefield, you never want the injured warriors to drag you down. Yes, the road doesn't need that kind of warriors. They might not be injured at all, they are just having all the time of their life, talking to the phone, watching the traffic lights turning red times and times again. Hey dude, I have to go to work for God sake.

(Selfish, evil, I fooled you not) lady drivers
I am not being sexist. However, I must admit that were times I swore in my car about the aforementioned drivers. They just don’t let you cut into their lane, do they? Once, there was a police roadblock and the two lanes road was diverted to one lane. This lady driver didn’t want to give the cars on the other lane to combine into hers. The police traffic was forced to stop her car and gave other cars to move into her lane. That sir, just made my day!

To have to wake up as early as 6.30AM just so that I can manage to get into the office by 8.30 AM every day is very tiring. Stressed out even before going to the office!

Have a safe journey guys and may you arrive safely to your respective destination. Happy Monday!

Note: Unless you fulfill all the descriptive characters above, please, I am not talking about you. If still offended, you are allowed to write some angry comments in the box below.

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

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