Saturday, April 30, 2011

Beltane - news and photos


New 13 Songs for Beltane
I started doing a song playlist for Sabbats at Beltane last year and revisiting the old post made me realize that I needed to shake things up a bit. So here's a few from the old list and a few new songs to to get you ready to leap bonfires! ... read more

Festival fired up to mark summer
Hundreds of people are expected to turn out to watch the pagan-inspired Beltane Fire Festival. The annual event on Edinburgh's Calton hill, symbolises the beginning of summer and celebrates an ancient Celtic festival. Organised by the Beltane Fire ... read more

Nightlife News: Incendia Vita et Beltane, Jonny Cruz and more
Circle Lounge • Get a taste of the Burning Man experience on Friday, April 29, at Incendia Vita et Beltane. Enjoy an evening of art and music including works by Peter Nielsen, LED art by Alice Bain, art by Sunny Strasberg and dancing by Fire Muse ... read more


Beltane Fire Festival Held In
beltane 2006 original size 8 x
Beltane 2011 Ritual
Happy Beltane Everyone!
Edinburghs Beltane Fire
[99.5+% naked]Beltane Dance
Happy Halloween/Beltane
Images of Beltane