And don't miss Adam Dobson's great 2001 analysis over at Metaphilm:
"To torture a cliché, 2001: A Space Odyssey is an exploration of the Human Condition—or, more appropriately, as I intend to argue, the Human Predisposition. It is, at its simplest, a road-trip movie. But there is no intended destination or conceivable measure of success: like gap-year students parading aimlessly around South-East Asia, everything is concerned with the journey itself. Kubrick’s characters are in pursuit of themselves—their own purpose and meaning, as individuals and as part of the collective. Bound up with all this is the concept of wisdom—perhaps even Enlightenment."
Other Essays (thanks to The Kubrick Site):
2001 and the Motif of The Voyage by Claudia Zimny
Margaret Stackhouse's Reflections on 2001
2001: A Progressive Analysis by Sandra Venturini
2001: A Cold Descent by Mark Crispin Miller
2001: A critical analysis of the film score by Dariusz Roberte
2001 and the Philosophy of Nietzsche by Don MacGregor
Some Thoughts on 2001 by Roderick Munday
Design & Meaning in 2001 by Mark Martel
Extracts from "Moonwatcher's Memoir" by Arthur C Clark & Dan Ricter
Comparing 2001 and '2010' by John Morgan
The Case for Hal's Sanity by Clay Waldrop
2001: Random Insights by Barry Krusch
2001's "Hotel Sequence" by Derek Rose