Hey guys,
In addition to the the wonderful vid above, which is courtesy of Barringer82, I've also shamelessly copied links to many of the fantastic essays on The Kubrick Site, managed by Roderick Munday. I've read most of them, and I can guarantee you that these are joyous, sumptuous, cinematic thoughts for any Kubrick fan.
Happy weekend reading!
Excerpt from Cinema 2: The Time Image by Gilles Deleuze
Excerpts from The Wolf at the Door: Stanley Kubrick, History, and the Holocaust by Geoffrey Cocks
The Country of the Mind in Kubrick's Fear and Desire by Jason Sperb
The Herd & Self-Reflexiveness by David Gerrard
On Viewing The Killing by Jules N. Binoculas
Three Essays on Spartacus by Duncan L. Cooper
Two Views of Lolita by Robert Stam and Thomas Allen Nelson
A Commentary on Dr. Strangelove by Brian Siano
Kubrick's Psychopaths by Gordon Banks
Just what the Doctor Ordered... by Jeremy Boxen
Dr. Strangelove by Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi
Kubrick and The Fantastic by Michel Ciment
2001 and the Motif of The Voyage by Claudia Zimny
Margaret Stackhouse's Reflections on 2001
2001: A Progressive Analysis by Sandra Venturini
2001: A Cold Descent by Mark Crispin Miller
2001: A critical analysis of the film score by Dariusz Roberte
2001 and the Philosophy of Nietzsche by Don MacGregor
Some Thoughts on 2001 by Roderick Munday
Design & Meaning in 2001 by Mark Martel
Extracts from "Moonwatcher's Memoir" by Arthur C Clark & Dan Ricter
Comparing 2001 and '2010' by John Morgan
The Case for Hal's Sanity by Clay Waldrop
2001: Random Insights by Barry Krusch
2001's "Hotel Sequence" by Derek Rose
The Clockwork Orange Controversy by Christian Bugge
UK Clock ticks again for Kubrick's Orange by James Howard
A Clockwork Naartjie: Censorship of Kubrick in SA by Craig Clarke
The Cultural Productions of A Clockwork Orange by Janet Staiger
The Aestheticization of Violence by Alexander Cohen
Barry Lyndon Reconsidered by Mark Crispin Miller
Kubrick's Anti Reading of "The Luck of Barry Lyndon" by Mark Crispin Miller
Barry Lyndon: The Shape of Things to Come by Bilge Ebiri
Narrative and Discourse in Barry Lyndon by Michael Klein
Reappraising Kubrick's The Shining by Brian Siano
Thoughts On Reading Kubrick's The Shining by Kian Bergstrom
Historicism in The Shining by Frederic Jameson
Kubrick, King, and the Ultimate Scare Tactic by Michael Dare
Full Metal Jacket as Genre Film by Brian Siano
Full Metal Jacket by Bill Krohn
Introducing Sociology: An analysis of Eyes Wide Shut by Tim Kreider
Eyes Wide Shut and the Lacanian Real by Slavoj Zizek
Debate and discussion:
Regarding Full Metal Jacket, a Newsgroup Discussion
Ryan O'Neal as Barry Lyndon, a Newsgroup Discussion
The 'Youth Culture' of 2001, a Newsgroup Discussion
Stanley Kubrick and Modernism a Newsgroup Discussion
The Jungian Thing: Duality in Full Metal Jacket, a Newsgroup Discussion
Kubrick and the Individual by Barry Krusch & Harry Mehlman
Dr. Strangelove's 'Erection' by Alec Kerala-Lee & J. Kastorf
Barry Lyndon: Passion's Epitaph by Geoffrey Alexander & Bilge Ebiri
The Shining and Transcendence by Tim Fulmer & Rod Munday
Reviews and Press Materials
Brian Siano reviews LoBrutto's "Kubrick: A Biography"
"Psychedelic Fascism" / The Hechinger Debacle
The Harvard Crimson Review of 2001 (1968)
After Man by Penelope Gilliatt
Three Reviews of 2001 by Joseph Gelmis
Three Perspectives on 2001 by Morris Beja et al.
Apeman, Superman by Leon Stover
A Review of 2001 by Ed Emshwiller
A Review of 2001 by Samuel R. Delany
A Review of 2001 by Lester Del Rey
Roger Ebert's 1968 Review of 2001 from the Chicago Sun-Times
NPR covers a showing of Fear and Desire in New York
From 'The Daily Telegraph' (London) by Quentin Curtis
Barry Norman in the 'Radio Times' (UK), June 1996
Pauline Kael on The Shining (Excerpts)
Pauline Kael on A Clockwork Orange
Bill Blakemore on The Shining
Jack Kroll on The Shining
Interviews and Depositions
Michel Ciment's three interviews with Stanley Kubrick
Kubrick's 1969 Interview with Joseph Gelmis
Strick & Houston's Interview with Kubrick
Penelope Gilliatt's Interview with Kubrick
Kubrick's Essay Words and Movies
Clarke's 2001 Diary (Excerpts) from The Lost Worlds of 2001
Anthony Burgess on A Clockwork Orange, excerts from his autobiography.
Ian Watson Plumbing Stanley Kubrick, full text of his Playboy article.
Frederick I. Ordway's 2001 in Retrospect
Kubrick's Notes on Film
The "Rolling Stone" Interview by Tim Cahill
Kubrick on Kieslowski: his Introduction to Decalogue
Michael Herr's Forward to Full Metal Jacket
Alex North's Comments on his own score for 2001
Terry Southern recalls Dr. Strangelove
Interviews with Kubrick's Colleagues by Michel Ciment
An Interview with Dan Richter
An Interview with Julian Senior
An Interview with documentary filmmaker Paul Joyce