Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Don't Blame Your Child and Go Watch Iron Man!

Picture from Flickr

Don't Blame Your Children

If you're one of my loyal readers, you should may notice that I was missing for couple of days. Truth to be told, I was involved in an accident (!). Unfortunately, I was still alive to rambling about myself in this blog. Well, that may be because my 'accident' was only involving a supporting wall in a shopping complex, my mum's car and myself. I was in hurried to watch the Iron Man and I definitely blame the wall to be built in such matter so that the parking space was very small and only suitable for a mini car.

My mum's car was scratched with yellow paint stained on it. Thank God my parents chose not to blame me. They said they don't want me to be traumatized by an accident. After all, it was my first car accident and it was not that bad after all. My younger brother had quite an unforgettable accident last year. Since then, he never ever use that particular road again.

A soothing word rather than an angry voice work well for me. I know when I have stepped outside the boundary and know when to use my cuteness to extend an apology to my parent. I frequently hear about parents that prefer to use a harder method of teaching to discipline their child, for those who taught on using that option, please make sure that the last thing you want is to make your child a worse person in the future. Several head up points (copy and edited) from Prevent Child Abuse America. Go and visit the site. It has many interesting tips for all.

Remember the purpose of discipline
It is to teach your child socially acceptable ways of expressing natural desires and drives. Discipline guides your child into adulthood. Not to be traumatized by it.

Successful discipline is geared to the child's developmental stage
Don't expect a child of any age to perform something he or she is not ready for. Take things slow and steady. Do not put any excessive pressure especially on the academic achievement.

Children need positive reinforcement
Reward your child for doing right with smile, hugs, attention, praise and thanks. Although for me, money is the best reward. I am pretty sure your children too in the same ship with me. LOL

Never hit a child
Hitting is not a useful discipline tool for your children. Hitting and other physical punishment are not effective because they teach a child that it is okay to hit people, make children much too angry to be sorry for what they have done. Plus, you can hurt a child physically and mentally.

Discipline is best taught by example
The lessons you teach your child come from what your child sees you do - not what you say. Child tends to make parent as his or her role model. You may be not rich like Donald Trump or perfect as Oprah Winfrey, but make yourself the best from what you have. One of my role models (I don't know why people usually have one role model only) is my dad.

If what you are doing is not working, change it!
Your best efforts, even those that worked in the past, may break down. Try to keep sight of your basic principles and adopt with the child development. The best way to do it is to spend more quality time with your child and observed what he or she latest behavior.
"The important thing is not whether your child behaves in the next few minutes or today or this week. The really important thing is how your child turns out 5, 10, or 20 years from now."

Go Watch Iron Man!

Robert Downey Jr. sure win my vote. At first, I was in doubt whether this not-that-old-but-looking-like-an-old-man could amaze the new audience (such as me, who do not read a single Iron Man comic). Nevertheless, his act and with the help of advance digital technology made me stayed put on my sit through the one hour and half hour movie (even though I almost freezing in cold in that cinema - note: Never wear a short while watch a movie).

As many people already review this movie, I rather not explain further. The bad thing is, as always, it portraits Muslim as terrorist. Other than that, the movie was good, enjoyable with wickedly funny speeches through out the movie, the casts were solid, plus you will see couple of funny robots too! That been said, to be fair, I will quote a piece of opinion from a fan of the Iron Man comic.
With a little tinge of shame and regret, my rare dalliances with the Iron Man character stemmed from a few one off comic books, as well as occasions during the teenage years of spending time in the arcade with those Marvel games, where Iron Man was one of my preferred characters because it came together with his incredible arsenal of weapons from repulsor beams to this gigantic cannon which accompanied the execution of some complex combo moves. There's something sexy about the red and gold suit of armour, and having an array of weapons at the disposal of a player, makes perfect sense for variety in dispatching your enemies. - imdb
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