Sunday, May 4, 2008

Age That I wish To Go Back To

Words that I used to scream ramble when I was a kid
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I was tagged by Rizal from his Rest n Rileks blog (a nice blog about rattan and all its "derivatives" Check him out HERE). So, I decided to fly my back to the future car (one of my favorite franchise film at that time) the around 1994-1999. I will be around 7 - 12 years old back then.

Five Reasons Why I Wish to Go Back to The Age 7-12

1. We don't have a digital camera back then
If we all have camera digital back then, I am pretty sure all our cute little faces will be preserved forever and we could always put that picture as our default picture to promote our profile at social networking. Aside from showing our ageless face, all the pedophiles will be crazy as they don't know which one is a child and which is a 70 years old grandma.

2. Give you a chance of being the most of ... everything
With your matured brain (matured physical also will do), you could be the strongest, cleverest and the most famous of all kids. Heck, you could also be the President of Kids under 12 association. (Never heard of it? Well, then you should invent it first before be the president. Don't worry, the kids easily fooled)

3. Kick the kid who once bullied you
Are you want to let him grow up to be a criminal? If he know that the world is full with people that stronger than him, he would not give the men species a bad name after all.

4. Brave enough to say Santa Claus does not exist (Could be changed with any of your local fairytale)
No one will be able to scare you from sleeping at night, you would not be afraid to go to the toilet at the midnight and no one will ask you to be a good kid at the eve of Christmas. You could give other kids a version of your own fairytale!

5. Remaking the memory and enjoy it while it last
In a serious note, if you are same with me, who lost most of his childhood memories due to frequent 40 degree Celsius fevers and have to stay in house for most of the time, you sure will enjoy and make the memory last forever. Nevertheless, just in case if your back to the future car malfunction, and you don't have childhood memory, you just have to live the future and appreciate what comes with it.

So, that the reasons why I want to go back to the age of 7-12 years old. As my pictures are not suitable for general viewing, please click the link below (it's javascript - won't take you away from this page :) I have taken out the javascript as one of my lovely reader could not view it. Oh! And please don't laugh!

My primary school - although I am not that handsome :)
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Standard 6 Pearl - more than 30 students in that class. Just imagine
how crowded it was
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One of the art made by my colleague
"Ice Kacang - All the ingredients will make it tasteful"
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