Friday, July 11, 2008

College Life

Click Picture to Englarge

Finally, my new semester has officially started. Settling down always a hard thing to do especially when you are already used to be pampered at home during your holiday. Handling and moving 4 bags full of clothes and 3 boxes of books did nothing to help. Did I mention I have to move my things out from the third floor (fourth floor for some) to the same floor but in a different block? I actually took the full week to transfer all the boxes with help of my friends. With lecturers are in their high spirit to start the class straight away, I am really looking forward for this weekend.

I don't usually blogging during a weekend and if you noticed, I rarely talk about my college's life too, but I guess now everything has changed and I have to adapt with the current situation, which is not enough time and slow internet connection. You should have done the same too. In a new and strange environment, adaptation is a vital for the sustainability of our species. Although your situation may not be that bad, I am assure you that my new college life does. Juggling with Process Dynamic and Control, Environment Engineering and Management, Separation Process and Chemical Reaction Engineering books on one hand and two blogs to handle and a mandatory English lesson one other hand sure took most of the time and energy out of my hand.

Before long, I am quite sure that my hands usage will be something in the past and my abilities to talk and walk like a normal person will soon be gone. Much to my resentment for studying yet again one of the most 'reactive' studies in the world (you would be killed or jailed - either one, if you're mistakenly blow up any chemical plants or reactors), I am pretty thrilled to begin this new semester. One for sure was due to the fact that my scholarship increase which almost double from the last semester, and my new room and roommates were not half bad either. It's a good feeling when people trying to be nice with you and getting to know you.

Click Picture to Englarge

I have to admit that I am a little nervous to be back behind the desk to study Technical and Engineering English (in a simple word, an compulsory English lesson for future engineers) after missing out almost three years of formal English education. Nevertheless, my nervousness seem to be drown by the female lecturer who choice of words and tone of conversation easily motivated me up. Trying to talks adults to go back and start reading again (we are required to read something that has a real information in it) without sounds like a mom's nagging is a hard thing to do. You need a very good and highly experience lecturer to be able to deliver something like that.

Those pictures were taken through out my 3 years study in School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus, University Sains Malaysia. I will still be here for another 2 years of studies. Most of the pictures were taken only after a heavy rain that swept our campus through out the 365 days. That is the only time our campus looks like a real green campus. With palm oil trees and man made lakes. For your information, this campus only contain the engineering students, further away from any outrages and overly dressed students from different schools in the main campus (such as Art students who were famous with their crooked sense of style). Here, the statistic in the couple years shows that there are recorded decrease of nerd species but a considerable influx of geeks were enrolling in. I am sure hope I will be counted to be on the par with average normal students. No offense.

I will be posted a new post in a day or two (finger crossed). Have a nice weekend!
