Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blogging Nightmare

It feels like forever for me to get settle down. I already forgot how the 'fun' of house moving was. Anyway, I will try to online more this week. Back to blogging. Blogging is fun, especially when we are blogging about things that we love. Personally, I even have a feeling of anticipation for what other bloggers will blog about. Sometimes, you will bump into a surprise while others will come out as your expectation (not that it is a bad thing to happen though). By abiding to the expectation, we could find the safest way to describe our feeling and let it flows smoothly into others’ mind. That being said, blogging too will sometimes lead you into some terrible experiences or what I will call, blogging nightmare.

Thus, I would like to list out some of the costs for terrible experiences to other bloggers. Although it will be based on my own personal experiences, I am sure some of us had been in the same place as I am. This is the top five terrible experiences that will happen to many innocent and ignorant people out there. Please do not feel bad if your blog is in one of the categories listed, we just want to have a pleasant blogging experience here.

1. Music
Everyone loves music. Some prefer a softer balladic music, while others love the hard kicks of metal clashing, drum and guitar. For those who are putting a music player into your page, please make sure it is in the user play mode, which means that it would not play by itself. Just imagine while you are surfing the internet in the early hour, in your own room, enjoying the night (or morning), sound of its creatures and the tranquility that come along with it and then suddenly a loud banging sound come out from your computer. To make the problem worst, you are wearing a headphone at that time and your last heart attack was on the week before. Please turn your music to user control function, and if you don’t want to, just put a soothing sound or music. No one will doze off while reading your site, trust me (the music is the last factor that will cause the readers to doze off)

2. Font Size and Color

In case that you don’t know, human vision is limited (and yes, women have more parallel vision compared to men). How hard we are trying to concentrate to countless lines of words with an extremely contrast font’s color against its background, the eyes sometimes could not take it anymore. Please use a normal font size and not every word should be colorfully colored, please, we could read by ourselves, do not try to take away that ability from us.

3. Spamming

Chat box and comment box spamming are not that bad, but you do get annoyed to see the same person post several times, especially when the comments are about advertisement of their sites or goods.

4. Advertisement
I remember that I had joined a forum on this topic matter. Some said that the advertisement will divert your attention from the text, while others said that it was very annoying especially when you put an animated advertisement. In my own opinion, I think that there is nothing wrong with putting ads in your site. The reader would not certainly be going to read your post for a full 5 minutes (or at most, 10 minutes) straight. They want a few breaks in between those long texts. Not only you need to rest for 15 minutes for every hour of TV viewing, you need to rest your eyes too after a long read. The most annoying part of this is the pop up advertisement. You feel cheated as you are forced to click on their ads (and not getting pay for it) and some of them even direct the page to other site as soon as you click on it. Not a great way to great your reader, doesn’t it?

5. Unconstructive Comment
Sending hurtful comment as an anonymous is not okay. If you are going to say out loud your feeling, please be braved to face the consequences after that. A matured thinking should always be followed by a matured way of expressing it too. It would be wonderful to find some constructive comments about the related post from time to time.

I have a lot more to list out, but it will makes my post too long (one of the few nightmares for some). So, please tell me about your own bad experiences while blogging. I am sure we will have a good laugh off it and take extra caution next time. Have a nice blogging day!
