Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hot and Cold List 2008

2008, New Year, 2009, Hot and Cold, List
This is the first time I am not looking forward to a new year. celebration With economy is going to recession, carbon dioxide emission is all time high and the fact that I am still not feeling well on the New Year’s eve doesn’t lift my spirit up even a little bit. That being said, this is my Hot and Cold List 2008 that touches on the political matter, entertainment views; such as the hottest movie, musician, actor, actress, and even on my personal life and my beloved country, Malaysia. I even spare a space for your own Hot and Cold List 2008 to be shared with other readers. No, I am not running out of idea. Anyway, let the drum's rolling!

  1. General Event:

  2. Hot: Barack Obama won U.S. Presidential Election
    Cold: The Mumbai attacks which killed more than hundred people

  3. Politician:

  4. Hot: Barack Obama, U.S. President-elect
    Cold: George W. Bush

  5. Movie:

  6. Hot: Wall.E
    Cold: Australia

  7. Musician:

  8. Hot: Lil Wayne
    Cold: Amy Winehouse

  9. Actor:

  10. Hot: Heath Ledger in The Dark Night
    Cold: Eddie Murphy in Meet Dave

  11. Actress:

  12. Hot: Tina Fey (as Sarah Palin in SNL)
    Cold: Nicole Kidman in Australia

  13. Malaysia:

  14. Hot: General election
    Cold: Bukit Antarabangsa landslides that buried 14 bungalows and killed five

  15. Beijing Olympic:

  16. Hot: Michael Phelps and his seven gold medals
    Cold: Lip-sync at the opening ceremony by Lin Miaoke (9 year old) since the 7 year old Yang Peiyi was deemed not cute enough

  17. Personal:

  18. Hot: Reached 21th birthday
    Cold: Reached 21th birthday

  19. [Put Your Own Here]

  20. Hot:

Your list of Hot and Cold 2008:

From: Speedcat Hollydale
General Event
Hot: Jessica Biel
Cold: The planet! (It is really getting colder)

"Really? In this part of the world, the weather is getting hotter everyday! (It's indeed Hot and Cold list) I somehow had a hunch that you like Jessica Biel. LOL"

From: Faisal Admar
Hot: Compliment from Branch Director
Cold: Someone backstabbing me

"Walamak! Congrats on the compliment! Sorry about the backstabbing though. Hope 2009 will bring you more success in your career :)"

From: Hafidz
Hot: Cappuccino
Cold: Milo

"I can't remember the last time I had the real Milo drinks. Hehe. Nowadays, they used lots of fake branded flava. Just imagine how ridiculous it is. We even had fake branded drinks!"

From: D2Z
hot : i'm hot thought :p
cold : sick from last year till new year

"Hah! Finally there is someone who understand my feeling (and sickness). LOL. Get well soon bro!"

From: YAN^S
Hot: nothing
Cold: nothing

"Hurm.. A lame year for you my friend? Hehe"

From: iWalk
Hot: many

"Economy seems to be the hardest next year. I am preparing for the worst. You should too!"

From: Waliz
Hot : my new car
Cold : the balance of my bank account

"Wow! New car! You should blog about it! I want to know all of it! I must put extra pressure to my parents this year so that they will buy me my own car. They have been postponed it for a year now while my friends are flashing their new rides *one of them here too! Haha*"

From: Monica
Hot: Christmas
Cold: New Year

"and I am guessing tonnes of cool gifts for you this Christmas? You must be well behaved last year. Hehehe :)"

From: lilyto lilo
Hot: new year
Cold: last year

"Hehe. Where did you celebrate your New Year?"

From: Kuropii
Hot : celebrating 1st anniversary of my fight with someone
Cold : I'm getting older

"Hahaha. I wonder what the fight is about until you have an anniversary counted down. LOL. Anyway, Happy Anniversary!"

Please remember that this is my own personal opinions. Even though I hate criticism, I could use some of it to improve my Hot and Cold List 2008! Do share with us what do you think that will suit the number 10th spot the most? I will link you up after this. Happy New Year everybody! Welcome 2009!

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(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be shown under my Entercard box for a month!)


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