Saturday, March 14, 2009

February and January First Commenter Winners

I have been hosting First Commenter (FC) contest for every post that I had since 14 October 2008. This is the contest where the first commenter on each post will be awarded with love link at the end of the post and the winner for the most FC will be featured below my Entrecard box. Mariuca won the contest on December and somehow I forgot to announce the winner for January. Needless to say, I am apologizing to Lady Java for not featured her as the FC for January. Thus, I will send her 1000EC and also put her badge on the top of this page. Yes, along with other 3 badges just above this post.

The badges are for my 3 First Commenter winners! Monica, Mariuca and Penny were all tied up with two posts each! Thank you so much for commenting my post. I hope the link will bring lots of visitors to you. Talking about visitors, Hot Shit Form Here has already exceeded its 50,000 visits! Thank you all!

February Posts and the FC winners:
  1. Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and FacebookShemah
  2. Tweetaholic!Monica
  3. 403 ForbiddenPenny
  4. This is Not a Picture of My LegPenny
  5. Run Baby Run!Mariuca
  6. I am Purple and I Like It!Monica
  7. January Top Entrecard DropperMariuca

January Posts and the FC winners:
  1. Uniquely Singapore – The Formal VisitShinade
  2. It’s a New DayFaisal Admar
  3. Singapore TripNisha
  4. Corruption of YouthDarklight
  5. December Contest WinnerLady Java
  6. Hot and Cold List 2008Lady Java

First Commenter:

( Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured for a month!)


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