Friday, March 20, 2009

Les Miserables Tribute

One of the highlights of my busy, tiring week of meetings, was listening and singing along to Les Mis on You Tube... it is now a whole year since my partner ran the sound desk for the show, which I sat through 17 times in the end, loving every one, seeing something different and, strangely enough, learning the words. I surprised myself how it all came back to me. For us, it was an amazing few weeks of final rehearsals and performances, joining a cast that had already worked together for months.
Because of the strict copyright rules regarding films of the show, most of the videos on You Tube are from the 10th reunion performance, in which they sing but didn't act it. This means there is less feeling, but the power of the show can still come through in the music. If you have never seen it, do yourself a favour - go one day!

One of the things that surprised me was how much I came to love some of the, perhaps, lesser known songs. I have added a picture from the promtional pictures of the local show where I can :)

Marius sings a moving tribute to his fallen comrades in Empty Chairs at Empty Tables...

Eponine and Marius....

Policeman Javert has a confrontation with escaped convict Valjean

Policeman Javert reveals a soft side in a beautiful song - my favourite: Stars

So, to North Canterbury Musical Society, Rangiora, New Zealand, to all the amazing cast, crew, directors and musicians, well done and Happy Anniversary!

ps - gotta love this spoof version for Barack Obama
