Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ABC News Producer Arrested Following Money Trail

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"You're lucky I didn't knock the f..k out of you."
--Police officer overheard saying to ABC's Asa Eslocker in Denver

Fred Baron Being Shadowed in Denver by ABC?

UPDATES and additions to this story at ABC News Producer Roughed Up, Arrested by Cops Following Money Trail.

ABC News is trying hard to escape the MSM's sleepwalking mode on the John Edwards' Scandal.

Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer, Asa Eslocker, as he and cameramen were attempting to videotape lobbyists and big donors--including from one report, Fred Baron--leaving a get-together at the Brown Palace Hotel today in Denver.

A cigar-smoking Denver police sergeant, accompanied by a team of five other officers, first put his hands on Eslocker's neck, then twisted the producers arm behind him to put on handcuffs.


Eslocker and his ABC News colleagues are spending the week investigating the role of corporate lobbyists and wealthy donors at the convention for a series of Money Trail reports on ABC World News with Charles Gibson.

[Background information: access over 100 DBKP stories on the John Edwards-Rielle Hunter affair, scandal and cover-up: John Edwards Love Child Scandal Library.]

ABC has apparently been shadowing Baron, among others, this week in Denver at the Democrat National Convention.

Baron brushed them off Tuesday.

Fred Baron, a wealthy Texas trial lawyer and former finance chairman for Edwards' presidential campaign, was seen Tuesday at a private luncheon for top party donors and key senators.

Baron, a longtime major contributor to Democratic candidates, would not answer questions from ABC News and walked away when he saw cameras.

The exclusive lunch was organized by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for its highest level donor group known at the Legacy Circle. It was one a series of VIP events Baron and other top donors have received throughout the convention from party officials, and which allow donors close access to members of Congress.

Today, it would seem ABC got too far down the trial lawyer money trail that is winding its way through Denver and Eslocker was arrested.

Trial lawyers are the Democrat Party's biggest group of contributors; collectively, the ATLA (American Trial Lawyers Association) flex their monetary muscle whenever there's a Congressman or Senator favoring tort reform, by pouring money in opponents' campaign coffers--most usually that opponent comes from the Democrat Party.

"Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit."

ABC News began running down the John Edwards money trail weeks ago; when ABC Producer, Brian Ross, confronted Edwards with what they had learned about the money trail to mistress, Rielle Hunter, that Edwards agreed to go on Nightline on August 8.

Whether its a trial lawyer TV ad begging viewers to remember if someone has ever wronged them or ABC News after trial lawyers and who their donations might benefit, the old saying still applies:

Follow the money.

by Mondoreb
images: dbkp file; abc news