Sunday, November 30, 2008

Screenwriting News & Links! 12/1/08


50 Free Online Movie Courses! Woo hoo!

(Thanks to an e-mail from Kelly Sonora.)

Concepts & Philosophy

These courses will help you lay the foundation for creating and appreciating fine movies.

Studying the Arts and Humanities: Follow this course to get an introduction to the arts and humanities through a series of exercises. [The Open University]
Philosophy of Film: This course offers a philosophical analysis of film art. [MIT]
Feeling and Imagination in Art, Science, and Technology: Follow this seminary on creativity to learn about the development process and more. [MIT]
Philosophy in Film and Other Media: This course will teach you about thematic issues of philosophical importance. [MIT]
Introduction to Art History: Follow this course to see art throughout history and how it has developed and functioned. [University of Utah]
Shakespeare, Film and Media: This course takes a look at the history and use of Shakespeare on film. [MIT]
Art of Color: Understand the way colors work through this course that discusses color history, interactions, and psychology. [MIT]
Introduction to the Visual Arts: This class explores video, sculpture, and public spaces in visual arts, offering a look at visual langage and concepts in artistic practice. [MIT]
Introduction to Media Studies: Become a more literate and critical consumer and producer of media culture through this course. [MIT]
Philosophy of Art & Aesthetics: Learn about the thinking behind making things beautiful. [Minnesota State University]
Art and Understanding: Follow this seminar to get answers to the question, "what is art?" [Columbia]
Making sense of the arts: With this overview course, you’ll get an introduction to life as an artist. [The Open University]
BSAD Foundations in the Visual Arts: Learn about visual art and artistic development in this course. [MIT]

Personal Development

These courses will help you better develop yourself as a filmmaker.

Pathway to Dreams: Use this course to establish your goals, direction, and voice as an artist. [Connexions]
Projects in the Visual Arts: Personal Narrative: This course requires you to complete video exercises and screenings to develop your skills and art. [MIT]
Interrogative Design Workshop: In this workshop, you’ll learn how to be a fearless speaker in your art. [MIT]
Creativity and Mental Illness: Professor Raj Persaud discusses the popular occurance of both psychological dysfunction and extreme ability in the arts. [Gresham College]


With these courses, you’ll learn the essentials for movie criticism.

Expository Writing: Social and Ethical Issues in Print, Photography, and Film: If you’re interested in becoming a movie critic, this course is a great place to start. [MIT]
The Origins of Modern Criticism: Follow this e-seminar to learn about reviews of films and other media as they relate to democratic culture. [Columbia]


Learn about your voice as a storyteller through these courses.

Comedy: This course offers a look at comedy in different media from a variety of authors and creators. [MIT]
Film as Visual and Literary Mythmaking: Follow this course to learn how film and literature can create myths. [MIT]
Forms of Western Narrative: Learn about Western storytelling in various media through this course. [MIT]


These courses will help you get a better understanding of cinema.

Special Topics in Cinematic Storytelling: In this seminar, you’ll see a variety of approaches to cinematic storytelling. [MIT]
The Film Experience: Check out this course to get an introduction to narrative film. [MIT]
Studies in Film: In this course, you’ll find an investigation of the relationship between film and literature. [MIT]
Topics in the Avant-Garde in Literature and Cinema: Follow this course to get an understanding of the avant-garde. [MIT]
A Conversation with Filmmaker Mira Nair: Watch these videos of Mira Nair to learn about creating films, and the concepts behind them. [Harvard]

Creation & Video Production

Learn the important details and concepts behind actually creating films.

Documenting Culture: Understand the how and why of capturing everyday life on film by studying this course. [MIT]
Media Art: In this course, you’ll learn about time-based art practices, and gain production experience. [Capilano University]
Introduction to Video: In this course, you’ll learn about video by completing assignments that will teach you about video capture and editing. [MIT]
Digital Video: An Introduction: Follow this e-seminar with filmmaker Michael Rubin to create a personal video project. [Columbia]
Introduction to Photography and Related Media: In this course, you’ll get instruction on the fundamentals of photography, artistic exploration, techniques, and more. [MIT]
Holographic Imaging: Check out this lab course to learn the ins and outs of holography. [MIT]
Blender 3D Design: Follow this course to get an understanding of how to use Blender software to create 3-D objects, animation, and more. [Tufts]
Media Art II: This course is a continuation of Capilano’s Media Art, offering experience in imaging, public art, and more. [Capilano University]
Producing Films for Social Change: Get a good look into the creative and production process behind films that spark social change and discourse. [Tufts University]
Environmental Sustainability: Perspectives on the World: This e-seminar with Oscar-winning director Milos Forman will provide you with education on scriptwriting, casting, and more. [Columbia]


Follow these courses to learn about scenery and design.

Design for the Theater: Scenery: Learn more about scenic designs in theory, history, and current practice. [MIT]
Symmetry: Follow this course to learn more about concepts in symmetry, including group theory, axioms, and the four properties. [The Open University]

Industry & Culture

With these courses, you’ll gain a better understanding of the culture and industry of movies.

Introduction to Spanish Culture: Examine Spanish culture in this course through the country’s art, literature, film, and more. [MIT]
Do Movies Have a Future?: Take a look into the future of the film industry through this lecture. [Princeton]
German Culture, Media, and Society: Explore the culture of Germany through the country’s short films and radio plays, as well as learn about trends and topics in media including film. [MIT]
Media in Cultural Context: Consider the international trade of video and television with this course. [MIT]
Experiences in Interactive Art: Learn about interactive digital art, and creating a conversation with your audience. [MIT]
Topics in Indian Popular Culture: In this course, you’ll learn about Bombay cinema, "masala movies," and more. [MIT]
Modern Art and Mass Culture: Get an introduction to modern art in this course. [MIT]
Introduction to Anthropology: Through this course, you’ll gain an understanding of cultural anthropology. [MIT]
Japanese Literature and Cinema: Learn more about the culture and films of Japan through this course. [MIT]
Visualizing Cultures: This course will ask you to look at and create graphics from different cultures. [MIT]
Studio Seminar in Public Art: Check out this course to learn more about creating projects for public spaces. [MIT]


MM in the news:

Mystery Man rescues seal
Twas nothing, really.

Traumatised granny forgives attacker and praises Mystery Man who helped her
I love old people.

Mystery Man saves woman before car burns
I was happy to help.

Britney spotted with Mystery Man
Eh, I’m over her. She's become old and boring.

Kirsten Dunst Has a Mystery Man
She wishes! Hehehe

Robert McKee Says Hollywood is “finished.”
If screenwriting guru Robert McKee has the plot right, Hollywood is the villain in the piece and TV is the hero. But how the story ends is another question. "Hollywood films? The death rattle of a dying industry," said the acclaimed screenwriting instructor, in Paris for one of his sold-out "Story" seminars. "The best writers are creating TV series. It's all in TV," he told AFP.

Batman R.I.P.
IT IS enough to send any fans of the Caped Crusader into a flap. Batman is set to be "killed off" after almost 70 years of crimefighting. Scottish writer Grant Morrison has penned a dramatic new instalment of the Dark Knight's adventures, called Batman RIP, in which fans will see "the end of Bruce Wayne" as Batman. The storyline, which was due to reach its climax in the latest issue of the Batman comic, released today , is said to see Wayne so shaken by a secret from his past that a new Batman must be found…

Screenwriter reveals ideas for Singer's planned third X-Men film
Author Thomas McClean's book Mutant Cinema: The X-Men Trilogy From Comics to Screen answers some of the questions raised by fans, who have been desperate to find out what Singer and his own writers Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty had been planning for their unmade version of the third film. Dougherty had already revealed some time ago that they had wanted to cast Sigourney Weaver as Emma Frost, a comic book psychic who would be reimagined as an empath able to control people's emotions. Some reports have suggested that Frost would have been an old flame of Xavier and would have emotionally manipulated a resurrected, unstable Jean Grey into the evil Dark Phoenix. McLean's book adds new information: Dougherty says the resolution of the Phoenix plot would definitely have been a major part of their version: "The main element for me was Jean coming back and learning how much power she could wield - that she just became overcome by it." Dougherty says that many of the ideas he was considering, such as Magneto trying to use Phoenix as a weapon, ended up in the filmed version. He also says that the idea of Jean using Cyclops' power to kill herself was one they liked, though they would have made it clear that only Phoenix's body was dying. Her spirit would live on, evolving Jean past mutant and into a godlike cosmic state.

12 upcoming remakes of Hollywood sci-fi classics

22 Ways to Improve Your Screenwriting

Tyler Perry Settles Writers Guild Battle

Hottest Hollywood Scab Tyler Perry Gives In, Opens Studio to WGA

WGA strike troubles linger
The WGA strike ended Feb. 12 but the recriminations continue. The federal government has sided with the AMPTP companies in a battle with the WGA over whether the guild acted illegally in its treatment of 28 writers who filed for financial core status during the strike. The National Labor Relations Board ruling -- announced Monday -- triggers a full hearing of the case before an administrative law judge in Los Angeles in the next few months.

Why the WGA was Right and SAG is Wrong

Out screenwriter brings Milk biopic to the big screen
Not only is Milk about the life of the first openly gay man elected to public office, but it represents a huge leap in Dustin Lance Black's profile as a screenwriter. Before the film's release yesterday, he spent a great deal of time researching Harvey Milk. "There were three years of research traveling to San Francisco from Los Angeles, meeting the real-life people and doing those interviews before there was a script," he says. "The research didn't stop then. We started producing the film and as a producer on it, we had to get even more exacting on what things looked like and where things took place. We were researching all through post-production."

Mel Gibson Ordered To Attend Deposition For Screenwriter Suit
The Los Angeles judge overseeing Mel Gibson's lawsuit against the co-screenwriter of his epic film The Passion Of The Christ has ordered the star to attend court for a deposition. On Monday (24Nov08) L.A. Superior Court Judge Gregory W. Alarcon told Gibson's lawyers that it was likely the Lethal Weapon actor would be made to answer questions at a pre-court testimony to get to the bottom of the money spat with writer Benedict Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald is suing Gibson, who directed the controversial religious epic, over accusations he cheated the screenwriter out of millions of dollars in potential earnings.

Another Melissa Rosenberg interview
Melissa: In terms of “was it intimidating,” I was not all that aware of the fan base. The minute I became aware of it, I stopped looking because I knew that it would become intimidating. So I purposefully kept myself in the dark because I wanted to be in a place of being able to tell the story and translate the story without the outside influences of the fans. And just to be able to tell the best story possible. The most important thing [principle] was to stay true to the characters’ emotional arts. There are going to be scenes that are either compilations of a couple of different scenes of the book or missing scenes, but the important thing is if the soul of the book is there and if you go away feeling the same way you feel when you read the book. That’s what my objective was - to keep the soul of the project.

Script already finished for Twilight sequel

MIT builds lab devoted to storytelling
The center is envisioned as a “labette,” a little laboratory, that will examine whether the old way of telling stories — particularly those delivered to the millions on screen, with a beginning, a middle and an end — is in serious trouble. Its mission is not small. “The idea, as we move forward with 21st-century storytelling, is to try to keep meaning alive,” said David Kirkpatrick, a founder of the new venture.

Author pens screenplay to fix memoir omission
Author Don J. Snyder of Scarborough holds a draft of his screenplay that he hopes to make into a film. Snyder wants to correct his published book of a decade ago, “Of Time and Memory,” and set the record straight about his 19-year-old mother's death. Richard and Peggy Snyder shortly after their marriage in November 1949. The mother of Scarborough author Don J. Synder died 10 months later, shortly after she gave birth to Don and his twin brother in a small Pennsylvania town. Since he wrote “Of Time and Memory,” a tale rooted in his mother’s death, Don Snyder has learned more about what really happened to his mother.

How A Novice Ended Up Writing Gran Torino For Eastwood
The script was so well crafted and understated (and the credits went by so fast) that, after seeing the picture, I immediately called Bill Gerber, one of the film's producers, to find out which one of the many A-list screenwriters who must always be knocking down Eastwood's door had penned the story. "Are you sitting down?" Gerber asked. He had quite a surprise. The writer, Nick Schenk, who lives in Minnesota, had never sold a feature script in his life. In fact, the only writing work Schenk had done was for "BoDog Fight," a mixed-martial-arts TV show, a game show called "Let's Bowl" and some comedy sketches collected in a DVD called "Factory Accident Sex." ("That title doesn't exactly help my career, does it?" Schenk jokes.)

Schenk says he wrote the script, using a pen and a pad of paper, sitting at night in a bar called Grumpy's in northeast Minneapolis. It was a good release for Schenk, who was holding down a series of day jobs, driving a fruit truck and doing construction work. "I just scribbled away every night," he told me. "The bartender there is a friend, so sometimes I'd ask him questions about where I was going with the story as I was writing. When it came, the words just came. One night, I knocked off 25 pages right there in the bar."

Video interview: Eric Roth
In this interview excerpt, Roth talks about his writing process wherein he starts his writing sessions every time on page 1. He says, it's "really a process of rewriting."

Here's a Peter Tolan Interview:

The LA Times write-up on John Michael Hayes
When Hayes won an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for Rear Window, he brought the small ceramic statuette into Hitchcock's office. After examining it, Hitchcock told Hayes, "You know, they make toilet bowls out of the same material." "I felt that he resented my receiving an award when he didn't," Hayes told Donald Spoto, author of the 1983 book The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock. (See also my recent article.)

Iron Man 2 Screenwriter Justin Theroux Confesses There Is No Dialogue With Other Marvel Writers
So now that the “Narnia” duo of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have been tapped to pen “Captain America,” it’s a sure bet Downey, Favreau, and screenwriter Justin Theroux are burning through phone cards trying to connect. Right? Wrong, said Theroux, who told MTV News that there was absolutely no dialogue between other Marvel writers and himself. None. “You know, there’s NO dialogue right now - in a great way,” the scripter confessed. “I think [Marvel Studios President] Kevin Feige just wants to make sure we can make the best movie that we can make.”

William Goldman Talks Newman, Redford, Butch and Sundance
At the recent Screenwriting Expo, he was interviewed by writer Aaron Sorkin (who mercilessly teased girlfriend Beth Swofford, a top agent at CAA, with being eager to read everyone's screenplays), who like everyone else, admires Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, partly because it helped to invent the buddy comedy. "Westerns are dead now except for Mr. Eastwood," said Goldman. "You could make the argument that unemployable in movies today would be John Wayne, Fred Astaire and Cary Grant."

A Bit of Advice: Don’t call your fans “saps” and “dipshits”
The trials and tribulations that the Heroes TV show is undergoing right now – with speculation rising about whether it stands much chance of a fourth season – wasn’t helped recently when its creator, Tim Kring, was quoted effectively calling fans “saps” and “dipshits”. This was at Screenwriting Expo, where he was talking about the ways people watch their TV in the modern day viewing era. Sadly, it's fair to say that his comments didn't come across well, seemingly insulting the very devotees that his show needs right about now. (See also L.A. Times Blog article on the controversy.)

Interview with James Bond Writers
Neal Purvis is living every teenage boy's fantasy - his alter ego is James Bond. As the scriptwriter of the past four 007 movies, Mr Purvis gets to decide who the world's most popular secret agent kills and who he kisses. The 46-year-old is one half, along with Robert Wade, of one of Britain's most successful screenwriting partnerships. “To write a 007 film is a dream come true,” he says. Being a scriptwriter may not be as glamorous as other dream careers, such fighter pilot or brain surgeon - Mr Purvis writes most of his scripts on a laptop sitting alone in a cafĂ© - but it is just as difficult to succeed. It took Mr Purvis and Mr Wade many years to attain their success.

"Why Quantum of Solace is indefensibly bad." Eric Kohn argues the case. Meanwhile, Glenn Kenny considers "how James Bond lost his sense of humor, while the ever-astute Daniel Kasman contemplates the indifference of Bond. It's all pretty high-toned! Check it out at the Auteurs' Notebook." By the way, lots of great Bond goodies await at the James Bond blog-a-thon, hosted by The Lazy Eye Theatre.

R.I.P. Guy Peellaert. John Coulthart remembers.

Top 100 Crime Movies of All Time.

Round-Up of Articles on the newly released Criterion Collection DVD of The Spy Who Came in From the Cold.

Interview with Changeling screenwriter J. Michael Straczynski
Yes. This was a FIRST DRAFT that went before the cameras within a year of being sold, something rather unheard of in Hollywood unless you’re Woody Allen. (Yes, and it shows.)

Marc Grossman, Parisian Juicemeister
Marc Grossman, the charismatic owner and driving force behind
Bob’s Juice Bar in Paris, is an iconoclastic figure. A former award-winning scriptwriter and Harvard grad -- something you’d never guess from his bohemian demeanor and laid-back character -- his tiny juice bar located on a shabby-chic Canal Saint Martin backstreet has garnered rave press from the French gastronomic and expat community. That attention has led to cookbooks (Smoothies and the recently released Muffins, both from Marabout publications) and might put Grossman on the throne of France's coolest juice empire.

10 cinematic signs your family is not *that* dysfunctional

Jenny Lumet podcast interview

Warcraft Movie Still Seeking Screenwriter
"Legendary Pictures is currently trying to assign some names to write the screenplay and find someone to direct it, so it's still really early in production," Pearce said. "They want to make sure they get the right talent for those different parts, especially the screenwriting, because that's the foundation for the movie."

Lawyer finds happiness as screenwriter

On Simon Beaufoy's Adaptation of Slumdog Millionaire
The other thing Beaufoy felt certain about was that the theme of the movie had to be bigger than just a poor slum kid who strikes it rich. So he looked at the culture around him to find his answer. "I went to Bombay; it's a very passionate place, a very romantic place, and I suddenly understood those weird Bollywood films -- the singing and the dancing and the romance -- and I thought, that's it, it's got to be a love story. That's what will override this money thing. I just didn't want to write a story about a guy getting rich, and I knew that was it." And so Beaufoy set out to give his hero a heroine to love and to pine for, which gave him the means to build a scaffolding of classical-hero narrative structure over the foundation of the game show story. Once he determined that the love story would become the central thread, he had to go back to the source and decide what from the original story would fit in with the romance angle, and what had to go. And he knew that the tone of the film was crucial: this would be a melodramatic film, with moments of comedy and mirth interwoven with brutal violence, scenes of crushing poverty and torture. "Indian cinema isn't concerned with being authentic as a rule. That's a broad generalization, but it's largely true," Beaufoy says. "In England, you couldn't get away with with torture and comedy in the same movie, but here you could."

Etan Cohen interview

Ten Things I Love About Old Movies

Worst Idea Ever: Poseidon Screenwriter to Write Oldboy Remake
Screenwriter Mark Protosevich is in talks to write the American remake of Oldboy for director Steven Speilberg. Star Will Smith reccomended Protosevich for the project after working with him on I Am Legend. Yes, your worst fears have come true, the guy who wrote the 2006 adaptation of Poseidon might be writing the script for the English-language adaptation of Old Boy. This can’t be good news. In the 2003 South Korean film, a man named Dae-Su is locked in a hotel room for 15 years without knowing why or who is holding him captive. He is suddenly released, given money, clothes and a cellphone and is sent on journey for revenge. The film won the Grand Prix at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival and was highly praised by Jury President Quentin Tarantino. Praised for it’s intense visuals and twisted story, Oldboy was met with positive reviews in the States, and is currently getting an 82% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and an 8.3 user rating on IMDB, for a #117 placement on the top 250 films of all time.

Screen Writer Pens New Book On ‘Margery’
News reaches me that the Crown Publishing Group has acquired the rights to the non-fiction book by screenwriter David Jehar about the controversial physical medium ‘Margery’ Crandon. According to Mr. Jehar the advance he was paid for his book was in the “high six figures.” He said his book will tell the story of Harry Houdini’s campaign to discredit ‘Margery’, who made the front page of the New York Times in the 1920s as the controversy over her mediumship reached fever pitch.

Michael Jackson the screenwriter?!?


On the Contest Circuit

Movie Script Contest Announces Winners Announces Semifinalists

Scriptapalooza Past Winners Optioned and Produced

WOTS Announces Grand Prize Winner

ScreamFest Announces Contest Winners


And Finally

“The Films of Da7id Fincher”

Water-Powered Car Video: GenePax Hydro Car Set for 2010

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Water-Powered Car:
Japanese Co. GenePax Demonstrates Car
Production Hoped for 2010

No, it's not a scam.

A Japanese company has unveiled it's water-powered car.

According to the video, "A liter of water will power the car at 80 kil/hour for about an hour."

[video length- 1:21]

Although the car emits no exhaust, how long will it be before the Green Weinies find that the GenePax auto is bad for the environment?

by Mondo
hat tip: Jack Gregson, FreedomsPhoenix
image: Hey Okay

*NSYNC - Bye Bye Bye

Music Monday #4 >> *NSYNC - Bye Bye Bye

Last week, a dear friend of mine, Debbs told me that she loves an old boy band called BoyZone. I easily drifted to the old days where all boys want to be in the boy band and all girls want to date one. Some of my high school friends even have scrap books with the pictures of their favorite band. We They even brought posters and cassettes (a few already ventured to CDs and using CD player instead of walkman, no not the Sony Ericsson handphone) to the school and during the recess they will comparing with each others. The session usually ends up with a fight as jealousy is high in the air; a few posters were ‘accidently’ torn apart.

What about me? Well, I think the most enjoyable boyband ever is *NSYNC. Their lyrics are catchy, their songs are club friendly and their dance is amazing. Since today is the first start of December and the end of November, my choice for Music Monday this time is Bye Bye Bye. Good bye November, I have so much fun this month! This also means that the end of 2008 is coming. I should start checking out my year resolutions!

Click to listen to *NSYNC - Bye Bye Bye:

Check out their video too (cool puppet show!):

Did I mention that the picture above is Justin Timberlake? Oh, how well time has done to him.. Remember the old curly hair and his big t-shirts? LOL. Happy Monday everyone

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.

First Commenter:
(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be shown under my Entercard box for a month!)


If you find this blog is interesting enough, do subscribe to Hot Shit Form Here by Email! I would be very happy!

Chinese Economy: Riots at the Nerf Toy Factory

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China Economic Unrest:
Riot at the Chinese Nerf Factory

Workers Demand Pay

Twenty years ago, "Riot at the Chinese Nerf Factory" would have been more likely to be the name of a punk rock CD than a headline about economic news.

China hasn't been insulated from world economic woes.

From Nerf factory riot in China and Workers riot at Chinese toy factory:

Riots are breaking out in factories in Dongguan as bankruptcies and layoffs throw thousands out of work with wages owing. South China, "the world's factory," is in chaos, faltering. After the mid-autumn festival, enormous numbers of workers simply stayed home in the provinces, rather than returning to work in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Dongguan.

Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing: "This AP story talks about a riot in the factory where Nerf toys were manufactured for Hasbro -- and no, they didn't fight with Nerf bats."

According to AP: "Shipping containers on trucks in the factory's courtyard were loaded with Hasbro boxes containing Nerf toys."

One report said the violence was touched off when the owner of the plant, Hong Kong's Kader Holdings Co. Ltd., began laying off 216 migrant workers--the factory employs 6500. Some 80 senior workers complained that they were shorted on severance pay. These 80 mobilized a mob of 500 friend and unemployed workers.

"The factory's management and the local officials really look down on the workers," said one laid-off worker who would only give his surname, Qiao, because he feared criticizing the company might jeopardize his chance of getting any compensation.

Qiao accused the police of igniting the riot. "The workers just got angry because the police hit them first," said the 30-year-old migrant from the southwestern province of Sichuan, devastated by last May's monster earthquake.

Basic pay for an assembly-line worker at the factory is 770 yuan ($112) a month, with overtime rare now that most of the Christmas orders have been filled.

Note to all those who believe China is ready to swallow up the USA: China's got economic problems of its own.

[Unrest by workers] is "a major concern in major industrial zones in Guangdong, which has been hit hard by a series of factors: rising costs of wages and raw materials along with currency fluctuations and the global financial crisis. More than 7,000 companies in Guangdong have gone bust or moved elsewhere in the first nine months of the year, the official China Daily newspaper recently reported."

One prediction: this will not be the last story readers will see about civil unrest over economic problems in China.

by Mondo
image: dbkp file

MORNING INTELL: Mumbai-Pakistan Link, The Left and Hate, Senator Chris Matthews

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November 29 2008

dbkp inside

* Pakistan Behind Mumbai?
* Leaker or Whistleblower?
* Chicago: Where only the criminals have guns
* Swiss likely to approve prescription smack
* Japan, Spain Race to Join Dead Civilizations
* Senator Chris Matthews?
* Republicans Lose; We Don't have to Drink Dirty Water Anymore
* AP Doesn't Want Military Fauxtography Competition


  1. Was the attacks on Mumbai the work of the Pakistanis? Looking more likely, it seems. India, Pakistan simmer over Mumbai attacks
    Indian accusations of a Pakistani link to the attacks on Mumbai that killed nearly 200 people threaten to damage attempts to improve ties between the rivals.

    Indian officials have said most, perhaps all, of the 10 attackers who held Mumbai hostage with frenzied attacks using assault rifles and grenades came from Pakistan, a Muslim nation carved out of Hindu-majority India in 1947.

    An official in Islamabad said the next one to two days would be crucial for relations between the nuclear-armed neighbours. Pakistan has condemned the assaults and denied any involvement by state agencies.

  2. American "allies" debate how best to squeeze blood money from a financially-stricken turnip: OPEC defers new oil supply cut as divisions emerge

    OPEC on Saturday deferred a decision on a new oil supply cut amid signs that Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies are demanding tighter adherence to restraints put in place over the past two months.

    Gulf producers want to see strict compliance with recent output curbs of 2 million barrels a day before considering further reductions when the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries meets in Algeria on Dec. 17.

    Diplomats from throughout the oil-consuming world are also debating--about the best way to say, "Kiss my ass".

  3. Chicago, the Kingdom by Lake Michigan: homicides are up 41% since the gun ban was passed, but who's counting? Chicago Defies the Second Amendment

    When it comes to firearms, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is no slave to rationality. "Does this lead to everyone having a gun in our society?" he demanded after the ruling came down. "Then why don't we do away with the court system and go back to the Old West, where you have a gun and I have a gun and we'll settle it in the streets?"

    From listening to him, you might assume that the only places in North America that don't have firefights on a daily basis are cities that outlaw handguns. You might also assume that Chicago is an oasis of concord, rather than the site of 443 homicides last year.

  4. It's comforting to know that when the Right half of the blogosphere publishes information damaging to the Obama administration that's leaked, the NY Times will stand up and applaud. Right? Right? Leaks: A Different Story in Great Britain
    We have complained for years about the fact that leakers in the CIA, the State Department and elsewhere in the federal bureaucracy have carried on a war against the Bush administration since the President's first term, a war they largely have won. Politically-motivated Democrats in the bureaucracies leak to politically-motivated Democrats at newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post, who run "exposes" of the Bush administration based, frequently, on selective use of classified documents. Instead of being prosecuted, the leakers have never been identified and the reporters have won awards.

    That infuriating situation is a striking contrast with what is happening in Great Britain, where one of the most prominent members of the Conservative opposition, shadow immigration minister Damian Green, has been arrested for receiving leaked information from a government official:

  5. THE OBAMA TOUCH: Is Barack Obama: The Wile E. Coyote of Diplomacy? Obama is only the president-elect--as we're reminded on a hourly basis--but he's already mishandled relations with both Pakistan and India since his election. With accomplishments like that, the sky's the limit once January 20 gets here.


Tired of bloody revolutions and capitalistic monopolies? Mark Fiore has the answer with the economic clapper. It makes switching from one ideology to the other quick and painless with just the sound of the infamous clapper. This is exactly the radical new technology that will help improve the productivity and spped to action of our dead beat Congressional leadership.
--[for the complete animated version of the image above, see: Clap Capitalism On and Off With The Clapper]


  1. Chris Matthews Staffing Up for Probable Senate Run in 2010. The news reportedly sent a thrill, chill and spill running down the legs of Arlen Specter (R-PA).

  2. History lesson for those too young to remember the breathtaking days of cattle futures, Pardongate, impeachment and Travelgate: Hillary Clinton, pseudo-centrist .

  3. The Quote of the day answers the question, "How do you want to be remembered, Mr. President?"

  4. The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and Man Made Climate Change: Efforts to support global climate-change falls: Poll.
    Less than half of those surveyed, or 47 per cent, said they were prepared to make personal lifestyle changes to reduce carbon emissions, down from 58 per cent last year.

    Only 37 per cent said they were willing to spend "extra time" on the effort, an eight-point drop.

    And only one in five respondents - or 20 per cent - said they'd spend extra money to reduce climate change. That's down from 28 per cent a year ago.

    Al Gore's so pissed, he's buying stock in Consolidated Coal.

  5. Did we make any money this week? I don't know, I'll ask Washington.
    From Market Economy to Political Economy
    Even more egregious will be the directives to a nationalized Detroit. Sen. Charles Schumer, the noted automotive engineer, declared "unacceptable" last week "a business model based on gas." Instead, "We need a business model based on cars of the future, and we already know what that future is: the plug-in hybrid electric car."

    The Chevy Volt, for example? It has huge remaining technological hurdles, gets 40 miles on a charge and will sell for about $40,000, necessitating a $7,500 outright government subsidy. Who but the rich and politically correct will choose that over a $12,000 gas-powered Hyundai? The new Detroit churning out Schumer-mobiles will make the steel mills of the Soviet Union look the model of efficiency.

    The economy according to Marx, Bush, Stalin, Obama and Lenin.


  • Lori Drew, the Mad Max Mom Run Amok, was convicted by an LA jury of violating the terms of service of MySpace when she participated in creating a fake cyberspace boy. Her manipulation of the cyber-guy pushed 13-year-old Megan Meier over the edge to suicide and produced a national outcry once the story was publicized. Should the Lori Drew Cyberbullying Decision Be Overturned?
    Young Megan Meier hung herself after she was spurned by her MySpace boyfriend. The boyfriend never existed. He was a creation of the mother of one of Megan’s classmates. The mother, Lori Drew, was found guilty Tuesday of creating a fake persona.
    According to CNN, Lori Drew was convicted of three misdemeanor counts in the case of 13-year-old Megan Meier’s suicide that came as a result of her being criticized on the Web site

    In old Western movies, the villain would be brought to the gallows and someone in the crowd would inevitably yell, "Hangin's too good for 'em!"

    We'll just say, "30 days in the electric chair" and leave it at that.

  • Another Hillary brick in the Obama wall: Obama Picks Pro-Hillary Communications Director

  • BORED, FIREARMS-INCOMPETENT ATHLETE ALERT: Maybe he didn't like the music? Plaxico Burress Shoots Himself in the Leg' Update: Shocker! Shooting Took Place at a Nightclub . At least he's not playing for the Steelers anymore.

  • Abortion Now Number One Cause Of Death In Spain: Remember when the MSM was predicting in the 1980s that the USA would soon be swallowed whole by Japan, Inc.? Mark Steyn's Lights out relates how Japan and Spain are following the Path of the Dead (Civilizations). At least the dying nations share a chapter of history: Incans, Aztecs, Japanese, Spanish.

  • The Left celebrates: We don't have to drink dirty water anymore! EPA, Interior Dept. Chiefs Will Be Busy Erasing Bush's Mark and Science, common sense returning to Washington. Now, mothers won't have to be worried about non-aborted babies having their grown stunted by the environmental nightmare that was America 2000-2008.

by Mondo Frazier
images: dbkp file

Ashes and Diamonds [1958]

Polish master Andrzej Wajda’s most famous (and perhaps his finest) film, Ashes and Diamonds was the final chapter in his famed World War II trilogy. The movie, set on the last day of 20th Century’s most acrimonious war, in one of the worst affected countries – Poland, this is a deeply anti-war movie; it is thought-provoking, but never overtly aggressive. The plot involves a young member of the underground resistance movement being entrusted with the job of carrying out an assassination. But the movie, in essence, focuses on much more – ranging from political confusion and ideological ambiguity in a mission which for outsiders and fanatics was wither black or white, to love and comradeship at times of war. Though the subtitles gave me a lot of trouble (the bit rates of the movie and the subtitles were different, and hence necessitated a lot of adjusting) and didn’t let me have a very fulfilling experience, the Camus-esque existentialism and the strangely affecting performance of the lead actor, posthumously labeled Polish James Dean for his promising career having been cut short by his tragic death, caught my attention nonetheless.

Director: Andrzej Wajda
Genre: Drama/Political Drama/Resistance Film/War Drama
Language: Polish
Country: Poland