Thursday, November 27, 2008

MORNING INTELL: Obama Citizenship, Aging Reversed, Thanksgiving

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November 27 2008

dbkp inside

* THANKSGIVING is for Thanks, Right?
* New Drug Reverses the Effects of Aging?
* 100s injured, dead in INDIAN Terrorist Attack
* Obama Citizenship Questions Continue
* Big Brother Alert
* Brainy Obama?


  1. Turkey, Football, Dressing. Really, I didn't want to go anywhere anyhow: Roads, skies less full as Thanksgiving rush starts
  2. The America-hating disease has spread like a brush fire upon the earth.
    America, the Blessing
  3. Word wars: Most Americans prefer “Merry Christmas” over “Happy Holidays.”
  4. Things To Be Thankful For In A Troubled World: The motto at the news networks may be, "If it doesn't bleed, it doesn't lead", but there's plenty of things to be thankful for today if you're in America.


  • IF You Think Social Security is in trouble now:
    Drugs Reveal Another Possible Cause of Aging: ""In principle, we now could have a way of reversing the effects of aging," said David Sinclair, a Harvard University gerontologist and co-founder of Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, a company best-known for its development of an experimental drug called resveratrol."
    The government paying people until we're all 125? Maybe they'll start a lottery to see who gets Social Security after the age of 110.
  • A Scientific Quandry:
    When Intelligent and Natural Design Collide: "On a recent flight to California, I found myself looking at man-made structures in the Nevada desert and wondering: did I really know, in a scientifically valid way, that they were artificial? Or was I simply resorting to the principles of Intelligent Design, which in other contexts I'm quick to discredit?"


  1. It may be a "First Read" at NBC News, but only if you've not been looking for the last six months. Duo take Obama birth challenge to Court Hard to ignore all of the court cases--but the other networks continue to do so.
  2. Kenyan Ambassador tries to explain away his recorded statement from a few days ago. He still declines to answer a simple question.
    Kenya: 'I don't know' if Obama born in U.S.
  3. The Obama citizenship issue in one concise interview:
    Alan Keyes Tells Us Why He Questions Obama's Presidency
  4. David Broder: "When I started covering the White House more than 50 years ago, I believed that the smarter a president was, the better he would be. That was wrong."
    Good Time For a Brainy President


    Border Agents Begin Using “Long-Range” RFID Scanners on ID Cards: "USA Today has a story on the new long-range RFID scanners reading ID cards as individuals drive toward the border."
    “By the time a car stops at the Customs booth, the agent will have the photos and information of everyone in the car. If a name is on a watch list or database, the person will be taken in for questioning."

    Long-range ID cards? While this might sound good for terror uses, it's potential for misuse by the government is high.
    “Once a particular individual is identified through an RFID tag, personally identifiable information can be retrieved from any number of sources and then aggregated to develop a profile of the individual.”

  • Fauxtography for Dummies: Fauxtography For Dummies: Use PhotoShop, Catch Criminals. Interview with LAPD forensic photographer.

  • All new for 2011, General Ford Cerberus Motors is proud to present The FannieCrat 3000, the first automobile designed by members of Congress for their adoring constituents. All new for 2011, GFCM presents the FannieCrat 3000 Luxury Sedan! It's a keeper!

  • Lotsa LOLs: Terrorist Restless Leg Syndrome

by Mondo Frazier
images: dbkp file