Wednesday, November 26, 2008

for what it's worth, guess i'll see you around

I used to kinda hate Thanksgiving because I don't eat meat, had to go to 2 meals in 1 day, and really didn't get that much time off from school. But here in the "real world," 2 days off from work = travels to PA for vegetarian stuffing, my bed, and my family!

So as a converted Thanksgiving lover, I want to list a few things I'm thankful for right now.

1. Really, my family and cats.
2. My friends.
3. The fact I get to leave an hour early today!!!
4. Over and over again, I realize how sad my life would be without my iPod... and all the music stored on it. So thanks infinity music I love. Without you I'd probably be dead in the streets.
6. Dawson's Creek on the N. AKA, regression into my middle teen years.
7. "Elm," "Obsession," "Hotel Transylvanie," "Having a Coke With You."

So many more things. The economy sure is falling to pieces, and it's freezing outside, and who knows what will happen tomorrow... but there's a lot of little things to think about and remember and TOAST for making life awesome. So see you all out tonight on T-giving Eve, which I think is a great holiday in and of itself. Before family reunions at the dinner table tomorrow, go out and hug and kiss your friends over slammed shot glasses tonight!