Sunday, May 31, 2009
Body Image and the Mind
My first dissatisfaction with my body focused on my feet.... I outgrew my mothers petite and dainty shoes when I was 10 and finding shoes became the start of a lifelong seasonal panic. It meant that I had to start wearing adult footwear long before I wanted to... but I do remember spending a winter when I was 12 in the most perfect pair of long, lace up boots... we have a name for them now that never occurred to me then!
Gradually, I developed a dislike for my feet - and loved the 24" bell bottom phase of the 70's that hid them completely, while making us all look short, fat and strange! Over the years I have developed a knack for seeking out soft, expensive and comfortable shoes and boots, hunting early in the season while there is still something left in my size. Usually, it is pointless looking on the racks... far better to ask if they have anything in the store in the right size first! Imagine my face last year when I visited a Wellington shoe store and was offered a choice from five pairs of my favourite shoes (boring black), all in my size and I liked them all! The credit card wilted but I stopped at one pair.. but I mourn the loss of the others. My daughter inherited this foot gene... occasionally she ferrets through my wardrobe and borrows a pair... but as I still occasionally use a pair of hers for formal evenings, I don't comment!
A dear friend of mine wears red shoes.... and our feet are only half a size different, hers being the smaller ones. I admire her confidence.. we wear similar clothes most of the time, and the shoes are usually lovely, interesting and ideal with her outfit, but here we differ... I can say with all confidence, that although my soul covets a pair like these, my mind will not let me wear the equivalent of distress flares on my feet, allowing all and sundry to stare...
One of the joys of boarding school is dorm life. Once, happily preening in front of the mirror as a skinny undeveloped 12 year old, I asked for advice on an outfit... and my bored room mate said, "nice outfit, shame about your bum" ....and 40 years later, after years of reading advice from Trinny and Susannah and Gok Wan... selecting clothes to hide it, minimise it, lift and conquer it, I can still feel that comment in my head. But you know what, I also realise it is not that bad... bootylicious is the in shape anyway, and the lingering remains of my phobia about it just means the world is spared the sight of it in white, tan or pale grey trousers... tough, sure they are fine with that as not many of us look like this!!!!!
My long back comes courtesy of broad shoulders, and judging by the number of clothes with shoulder pads, this feature is required for femininity!!! Yeah right. As I don't need the extra padding to fill out the shoulders, I have become a master at extracting them from jackets. After I progressed from a 10AAA trainer bra, I had my first real fitting. "Ahhh", she intoned in a superior tone... "a sportswoman... broad back and no boobs"... Already crushed at 14. On that front, I can say that four kids, breastfeeding, weight gain, less sports and good bras have left me in ok shape, many cup sizes larger than then, and happy with my lot! While searching for pictures... I did find this ad for a bra- quite sure they use these on tv.
So overall, I can moan about the road map of stretch marks, the post caesarean body look, the grey hairs and wrinkles, but I really am ok. It all works just fine for now....
Except for the thighs... did I mention them???????
Ps - to follow up my last post; the kitchen light works and the cat door has cardboard across it, which probably doesn't have the insulation rating that glasss offers but is better than a hole. The snow didn't arrive here - just for those further out of town; but it was cold and there was hail, so I spent a glorious day inside rewatching Harry Potter 1 (with my friend of the red shoes) and Lord of the Rings... eating hot soup and crusty buns. Off to see my parents... so good to have a long weekend :)
Body Image and the Mind
My first dissatisfaction with my body focused on my feet.... I outgrew my mothers petite and dainty shoes when I was 10 and finding shoes became the start of a lifelong seasonal panic. It meant that I had to start wearing adult footwear long before I wanted to... but I do remember spending a winter when I was 12 in the most perfect pair of long, lace up boots... we have a name for them now that never occurred to me then!
Gradually, I developed a dislike for my feet - and loved the 24" bell bottom phase of the 70's that hid them completely, while making us all look short, fat and strange! Over the years I have developed a knack for seeking out soft, expensive and comfortable shoes and boots, hunting early in the season while there is still something left in my size. Usually, it is pointless looking on the racks... far better to ask if they have anything in the store in the right size first! Imagine my face last year when I visited a Wellington shoe store and was offered a choice from five pairs of my favourite shoes (boring black), all in my size and I liked them all! The credit card wilted but I stopped at one pair.. but I mourn the loss of the others. My daughter inherited this foot gene... occasionally she ferrets through my wardrobe and borrows a pair... but as I still occasionally use a pair of hers for formal evenings, I don't comment!
A dear friend of mine wears red shoes.... and our feet are only half a size different, hers being the smaller ones. I admire her confidence.. we wear similar clothes most of the time, and the shoes are usually lovely, interesting and ideal with her outfit, but here we differ... I can say with all confidence, that although my soul covets a pair like these, my mind will not let me wear the equivalent of distress flares on my feet, allowing all and sundry to stare...
One of the joys of boarding school is dorm life. Once, happily preening in front of the mirror as a skinny undeveloped 12 year old, I asked for advice on an outfit... and my bored room mate said, "nice outfit, shame about your bum" ....and 40 years later, after years of reading advice from Trinny and Susannah and Gok Wan... selecting clothes to hide it, minimise it, lift and conquer it, I can still feel that comment in my head. But you know what, I also realise it is not that bad... bootylicious is the in shape anyway, and the lingering remains of my phobia about it just means the world is spared the sight of it in white, tan or pale grey trousers... tough, sure they are fine with that as not many of us look like this!!!!!
My long back comes courtesy of broad shoulders, and judging by the number of clothes with shoulder pads, this feature is required for femininity!!! Yeah right. As I don't need the extra padding to fill out the shoulders, I have become a master at extracting them from jackets. After I progressed from a 10AAA trainer bra, I had my first real fitting. "Ahhh", she intoned in a superior tone... "a sportswoman... broad back and no boobs"... Already crushed at 14. On that front, I can say that four kids, breastfeeding, weight gain, less sports and good bras have left me in ok shape, many cup sizes larger than then, and happy with my lot! While searching for pictures... I did find this ad for a bra- quite sure they use these on tv.
So overall, I can moan about the road map of stretch marks, the post caesarean body look, the grey hairs and wrinkles, but I really am ok. It all works just fine for now....
Except for the thighs... did I mention them???????
Ps - to follow up my last post; the kitchen light works and the cat door has cardboard across it, which probably doesn't have the insulation rating that glasss offers but is better than a hole. The snow didn't arrive here - just for those further out of town; but it was cold and there was hail, so I spent a glorious day inside rewatching Harry Potter 1 (with my friend of the red shoes) and Lord of the Rings... eating hot soup and crusty buns. Off to see my parents... so good to have a long weekend :)
likes her gentlemen not to be gentle
maudlin Of The Well - Part The Second (2009)
Back from CC
Just back from the delights of Cliff Cottage to see that I have a back garden that needs an army of machete wielding navvies to clear it. OK, I’m prone to exaggeration. One machete-wielding navvy would probably do it. Given enough time (two weeks, say) and some sharp implements. Us poets shouldn’t have to do such mundane things. We should be able to sit with our writing tools to hand, staring out into the blue yonder while our servants get busy with all the boring stuff. Like gardening, ironing, the washing, the shopping, cleaning – basically, pretty much most things that end in ING. Apart from eating and drinking, of course. Oh, and I can think of something else, but that’s too rude.
Oh – and can I change the occupation from navvy to Girl Friday? Might as well have something nice to look at as well. Any takers out there? Just think of the job satisfaction. The pay is crap, but I’ve got a nice big smile with all my own teeth and everything.
Aberdeen was fantastic. Big thanks to EG for her amazing hospitality at CC. What a cool lady. The reading at Books n Beans was also a big success. We had a full house, with such luminaries in attendance as the crime-writer, Bill Kirton and up and coming literary star, Gillian Philip (and her equally talented mate, the shoe queen, Ruth). This reading was part of the Wordfringe Festival, an annual, month-long round of poetry and prose readings throughout the Aberdeen area. The guys who run it deserve a medal for organising the whole shebang. To get more than 40 people in a bookshop on a beautiful night – and to do that every night for a month takes some going. What’s more the audience was discerning, intelligent and appreciative. And they laughed in all the right places.
A bonus was the weather, sunshine from sun-up to sun-down for the whole weekend. Which got me thinking. Every time I’ve been up to CC there has been uninterrupted sunshine, whatever the season. The common denominator? Moi. So ladies ... need some sunshine in your life? Geezashout. (remember what I said earlier, own teeth and everything)
While I’m in the praising mode (I was. Keep up), can I just say what a pleasure it is to work with my fellow Makar Press Poets, Rowena M. Love and Sheila Templeton. Classy ladies, who write world-class poetry. We’ve been doing this for around 5 years now and there’s never ever been a cross word, never even a hint of ego and always complete professionalism. Except for the occasional chatting up of select members of the audience. Sheila, down girl.
The two days after the reading I was able to concentrate on some writing. 16,000 words on the work in progress are not too shabby over two days. Read it and weep, Toots.
We had a movie night on our last night up in CC. On the bill was “Dean Spanley” and “The Diving Bell and The Butterfly”. The former had a stellar cast including Peter O’Toole, who was brilliant as the cantankerous old father. The actors had a fantastic script to work with and managed to add nuances that I’m sure the writers hadn’t even considered. A quiet and wickedly funny masterpiece. The other film is about one of the editors of Elle Magazine who suffered from a massive stroke some years ago. All he could move was one eyelid and with this he managed to write a book. No silly, he didn’t stick a pen in his eye socket. He woke every morning at 5am and between then and 8am he decided what he wanted to say and then when his assistant arrived, he blinked out the passages he had stored in his memory. True story. Any writers out there with “writers block” should check this out, see what challenges can be overcome and then give themselves a bloody good shake. Writers block my eye!
(see what I did there?) If I’m being honest, I preferred the actual book, but that is no slight on the movie which had quality written all over it. Rowena would also testify to this – if she hadn’t fallen asleep half way through.
A weekend well spent? Absofuckinlutely.
Madly Bengali [2009]
Anjan Dutt, one of my favourite troubadours, has finally become his own man as a filmmaker, and in glorious fashion. Bow Barracks Forever was good film albeit for a niche audience; Bong Connection and Chalo, Lets Go showed promise, but didn’t really deliver as much. With Madly Bengali he has created a movie that is as much filled with nostalgia as it is with humour. The movie is broken into 4 chapters, with each dedicated, in turns, to one the four members of the eponymous Bengali rock band – Pablo, Benzy, Neon and Baaji, struggling to make music in a world full of noise. Though distinct in character and background, and each with a baggage of their own, they however are united by friendship and their common passion for music. Set against themes ranging from marital problems and religion to juvenile sex and drug abuse, the movie indeed manages to capture the pulse of today’s Kolkata. The songs composed by Neel Dutt, the director’s son, are terrific, more so given that music is essentially what the movie is all about. And whenever the beautiful vignettes of the city made me a tad sentimental, the awesome screenplay, replete with dry humour as well as good situational comedy, had us all laughing like maniacs. The director himself has played a pivotal role as a drifter who becomes the band’s manager-cum-mentor. Lew Hilt, as a former musician and the owner of a dilapidated garage where the band jams, Chandan Sen, as a foul-mouthed local goon, and Saswata Chatterjee, as an alcoholic father, are especially brilliant in the acting department. The movie has its negatives, I agree; but the positives outweigh them handsomely, making this a far more definitive chronicle of the underground rock culture in
Director: Anjan Dutt
Genre: Drama/Comedy/Musical/Ensemble Film
Language: Bengali
Country: India
Saturday, May 30, 2009
.Dunctonwood Internetradio
.dunctonwood . // Hier treffen eingängige Inde-Hits auf verspielte Postcore-Songs, brachialer Math paart sich mit instrumentalem Post-Rock. Nur eines haben die Songs gemeinsam, die ehrliche Leidenschaft, welche in ihnen schlummert.
Genau so beschreibt sich die kleine Internetradiostation aus Köln selber und besser hätte man es nicht zusammenfassen können. Aufmerksam wurde ich, als vor nicht allzu langer Zeit der Titel „ashes and framework“ in unserer Community auftauchte. Eine Sendung aus dem .dunctonwood-Repertoire, die sich mit Sludge, Postrock, Noise und Drone befasst. Genau mein Ding eigentlich, skeptisch blieb ich aber dennoch. Nach den ersten Minuten der Sendung wurde ich aber eines besseren belehrt, denn das, was dort aus den Boxen schallte, hörte sich an, wie meine eigene Playlist Individuell gestaltet, für jeden etwas dabei und doch mit einer klar erkennbaren Linie zog mich die Sendung in ihren Bann. Das Bands wie Irreversible, Amenra, Cult Of Luna und noch viele weitere gespielt wurden, sollte keine Seltenheit bleiben und so schaltete ich Mittwochs immer wieder ein, um zu hören, was sich an der Sendung getan hat. Die Station besteht natürlich nicht nur aus dieser Sendung, sondern aus vielen weiteren, die sich der verschiedensten Genres bedienen. Soll heißen, es gibt weitere Shows für screamo, Hardcore, Metal, Ambient und sogar Hip Hop´, was das Hören durchaus interessant macht. .dunctonwood bedient sich nicht der typischen Radioklischees, sondern spielt Musik und Songs, die man sonst nirgendwo zu hören bekommt, zumindest nicht im öffentlichen Bereich. Besonders ist auch, das jüngere und noch nicht bekannte Bands hier eine Plattform erhalten, indem es Sendungen gibt, die genau auf sie zugeschnitten sind. So gibt es jeden Tag einiges zu entdecken auf .dunctonwood und das Potential dieses Radios steigert sich mehr und mehr.
Solltet ihr also darauf warten, dass Songs eurer Lieblingsbands im Radio gespielt werden, solltet ihr dem Team mal einen Besuch abstatten. Schaden kann es sicher nicht und für mich gehört es Mittwochs fast schon zum Standard ab 20 Uhr einzuschalten.
If you're still waiting to hear your favorite bands on the radio, visit this station. Your return will then be guaranteed!
I'll be back
Now I'm leaving again for another trip -- the last adventure of my sabbatical. It's time for the biennual gathering of the Friendly Green Folks. I'll spend a whole week at that conference, hanging out with old friends, hearing great speakers, joining some bloggers for a roundtable, and exploring Beautiful Island in the Country to the North. Then I'm visiting a friend, meeting up with a blogger, and exploring City Where Frasier Lives before flying farther down the coast for a vacation with my husband. Our 25-year wedding anniversary is this August, and we've decided to celebrate a little early.
I'll be offline for three weeks. I'm not bringing my laptop because I don't want to leave it locked in the trunk of a rental car while I'm hiking; I'm too worried about heat damage. Besides, sometimes it's more relaxing to get away from the computer. I'll be thinking about my blogging friends, though, especially at the conference, where I'll be coercing Friendly Green Folk to pose naked. I'll return late in June with photos to post and stories to tell.
If you're trying to guess which state my husband and I will be visiting, the title to this post is a clue.
In the Cut [2003]
If you ever want to witness an archetypal example of an actor/actress playing against type, watch this erotic thriller by Jane Campion. Meg Ryan, forever typecast as the cute girl next door in such enormously popular romantic comedies like When Harry Met Sally, You’ve Got Mail and French Kiss, shed her clean girl image and inhibitions in this dark atmospheric cat-and-mouse tale set in New York, starring as a beautiful English teacher who gets entangled in a relationship with a mysterious homicide detective (Mark Ruffalo) investigating a series of brutal murders in her neighbourhood. The forty-something Meg Ryan didn’t just bare her luscious ageless body in the graphic nude scenes, but also her soul in her bravura turn as a severely lonely, emotionally fragile woman who experiences sexual liberation for the first time in her life during her torrid affair with a younger man, amid the suspicion, squalor and violence in her surroundings. The tone of this moody thriller might appear ambiguous for many, the characterization of Ruffalo’s cop not chiseled very well, and the constant blurring in and out of images a tad irritating, but superb turns by the two leads and the digressive narration of an otherwise straightforward plot managed to make for an interesting viewing.
Director: Jane Campion
Genre: Thriller/Psychological Thriller/Detective Movie/Mystery/Erotic Thriller
Language: English
Country: US
Friday, May 29, 2009
Winter Beauty, Confusing Christchurch Weather for Queens's Birthday
WINTER BEAUTY: The Southern Alps and Kaikoura mountains with a mirage effect as seen from the Port Hills Friday morning.
Today we braced ourselves for bad weather... but we got it wrong - it must be tonight it arrives.
Although technically winter has not quite begun, New Zealand is in for its second polar blast in two weeks with snow expected to sea level in some areas.
The MetService has issued a severe weather warning of a strong, very cold southerly expected to reach southern parts of the country this afternoon, spread over Canterbury tonight, and quickly spread north tomorrow morning.
Snow showers are forecast to lower to sea level from Southland to the Kaikoura coast and fall to "unusually low levels" on the hills in southern, eastern and central parts of the North Island.
Duty forecaster Oliver Druce said the warning had been issued not because of the amount of snow expected but because of the very low levels involved.
The snow is likely to close many roads and wind chill is expected to be severe.
Instead, we have a perfect, still and warm day of sunshine - so we are making the most of it.
The house is clean...
The washing is done - even managed a load of dog blankets and towels.
The back deck is useful for getting it all dry, as well as being ideal for dog sunbathing!
I am having a carless day as my daughter has gone out to visit friends in North Canterbury... she has left me her old starlet, mainly because she had her doubts that it would make the distance.... but rather than brave the supermarket in hers, satisfying some basic urge to replenish the cupboards before the snow arrives (stupid as the whole idea seems as I sit in the sun eating lunch), I think I will wait for my partner to return from Bunnings with the new kitchen light fitting... YES it is going to be repaired, fingers and toes crossed as I am sooo tired of trying to work in the half light of the kitchen. It has been sporadically failing for months - a sort of random lottery of will we cook in the dimness tonight or not - and it has now been two weeks of complete failure. Mind you, the main bedroom light hasn't worked for over a year, even two??? Not a complete loss - I am sure I look better in dim light.. but it does make it challenging selecting from my extensive wardrobe of black clothes on dark winter mornings....
After that, project B, we will work on the repairing of the cat door... which means replacing the glass completely as the dogs cannot seem to realise they are not cats!!!! As the cold weather approaches, I have added a second dirt tray to the house to compensate for it's loss to the cats, but so far they still seem pretty casual about it all and I have been wondering what my next plan of action will be when I catch one of them in the act - can someone remind me again; why do we have six cats??? Anyway, I digress.. Phoebe's dad arranged to cut the glass for us before they went north - today, hopefully, the putty arrives - and next week we might actually get the glass from where it is waiting for us to collect it.
I do have some chores waiting for me - mainly the pile of junk from the rubbish area where the trees were cut down - old bikes and chairs mainly.. so I will have to do a trip to the dump as I am the only one with a car large enough! Love my wee CRV :) This will have to wait until the car gets home.... after the dump closes... ho hum, next week will do.
Tonight, we are off to the town hall to watch men play puppets with selected parts of their anatomy. This could prove interesting, hopefully also amusing, .... but there will be no photos for you all! I will, however, post you less interesting but safer pictures of the snow, if, and when, it arrives - sure many of you saw enough to last you a lifetime last winter in the northern hemisphere... but as you now bask in glorious spring weather it will make you feel grateful for it being our turn to shiver. But not today - today is for warm, barefoot enjoyment for the first day of Queens Birthday Weekend.... bliss.
Winter Beauty, Confusing Christchurch Weather for Queens's Birthday
WINTER BEAUTY: The Southern Alps and Kaikoura mountains with a mirage effect as seen from the Port Hills Friday morning.
Today we braced ourselves for bad weather... but we got it wrong - it must be tonight it arrives.
Although technically winter has not quite begun, New Zealand is in for its second polar blast in two weeks with snow expected to sea level in some areas.
The MetService has issued a severe weather warning of a strong, very cold southerly expected to reach southern parts of the country this afternoon, spread over Canterbury tonight, and quickly spread north tomorrow morning.
Snow showers are forecast to lower to sea level from Southland to the Kaikoura coast and fall to "unusually low levels" on the hills in southern, eastern and central parts of the North Island.
Duty forecaster Oliver Druce said the warning had been issued not because of the amount of snow expected but because of the very low levels involved.
The snow is likely to close many roads and wind chill is expected to be severe.
Instead, we have a perfect, still and warm day of sunshine - so we are making the most of it.
The house is clean...
The washing is done - even managed a load of dog blankets and towels.
The back deck is useful for getting it all dry, as well as being ideal for dog sunbathing!
I am having a carless day as my daughter has gone out to visit friends in North Canterbury... she has left me her old starlet, mainly because she had her doubts that it would make the distance.... but rather than brave the supermarket in hers, satisfying some basic urge to replenish the cupboards before the snow arrives (stupid as the whole idea seems as I sit in the sun eating lunch), I think I will wait for my partner to return from Bunnings with the new kitchen light fitting... YES it is going to be repaired, fingers and toes crossed as I am sooo tired of trying to work in the half light of the kitchen. It has been sporadically failing for months - a sort of random lottery of will we cook in the dimness tonight or not - and it has now been two weeks of complete failure. Mind you, the main bedroom light hasn't worked for over a year, even two??? Not a complete loss - I am sure I look better in dim light.. but it does make it challenging selecting from my extensive wardrobe of black clothes on dark winter mornings....
After that, project B, we will work on the repairing of the cat door... which means replacing the glass completely as the dogs cannot seem to realise they are not cats!!!! As the cold weather approaches, I have added a second dirt tray to the house to compensate for it's loss to the cats, but so far they still seem pretty casual about it all and I have been wondering what my next plan of action will be when I catch one of them in the act - can someone remind me again; why do we have six cats??? Anyway, I digress.. Phoebe's dad arranged to cut the glass for us before they went north - today, hopefully, the putty arrives - and next week we might actually get the glass from where it is waiting for us to collect it.
I do have some chores waiting for me - mainly the pile of junk from the rubbish area where the trees were cut down - old bikes and chairs mainly.. so I will have to do a trip to the dump as I am the only one with a car large enough! Love my wee CRV :) This will have to wait until the car gets home.... after the dump closes... ho hum, next week will do.
Tonight, we are off to the town hall to watch men play puppets with selected parts of their anatomy. This could prove interesting, hopefully also amusing, .... but there will be no photos for you all! I will, however, post you less interesting but safer pictures of the snow, if, and when, it arrives - sure many of you saw enough to last you a lifetime last winter in the northern hemisphere... but as you now bask in glorious spring weather it will make you feel grateful for it being our turn to shiver. But not today - today is for warm, barefoot enjoyment for the first day of Queens Birthday Weekend.... bliss.
Strange Glue and the Post-Rock Underground Vol. 2 (Compilation) (2009)
We don't quite understand what they were getting at, but it sounds like a very solid collection of materials, which ably describes the concoction of epic exquisiteness we have in store for you all.
Eight tracks from various up and coming artists from all around the world. Some instrumental, some vocal, what they all have in common is their ability to catapult your consciousness on a tour of the Milky Way. One song for each of the planets. Oh, and Pluto supporters, suck it, you minor dwarf planet worshipping weirdos.
In addition to these fantastic tracks, our previous compilations are still available to download, and still free-of-charge. Follow the links below. Files on all albums are 192kbps MP3s with absolutely zero Digital Rights Management software."
1.) Mt. - 'Lecture on Nothing'
2.) Balmorhea - 'Harm and Boon'
3.) Signal Hill - 'The Dead Vineyard'
4.) God Is An Astronaut - 'Shining Through'
5.) Scraps of Tape - 'Love Them Anyway'
6.) Oceans - 'Boy Detective'
7.) Lunar Node - 'Cerveceria'
8.) Saxon Shore - 'Nothing Changes'
Older Compilations
Download / Previews
BRITTISH: new weekly installment
brittish: 5/29/09
"Little Girl:" Julian Casablancas
"Chopsticks:" Liz Phair
"Unattainable:" Little Joy
"The Kids Are Alright:" The Who
"Jumpin' Jack Flash:" The Rolling Stones
"You're Pretty Good Looking for a Girl:" The White Stripes
"Die, Die, Die:" Dr. Dog
"I Can't Win:" The Strokes
"Balaclava:" Arctic Monkeys
"Happy's Just a State of Mind:" The Cribs
"I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked:" Ida Maria
"Someday:" The Strokes
"Right Hand on My Heart:" The Whigs
"Like a Vibration:" The Whigs
"Agoraphobia:" Deerhunter
"Money:" Lissy Trullie
"One Week of Danger" (Virgins-07 version): The Virgins
"No One's Better Sake:" Little Joy
"Pull This Blanket Off:" The Raconteurs
"I'm Not Saying:" Nico
"Don't Stop:" The Rolling Stones
Thursday, May 28, 2009
you can't always get what you want
I couldn't resist reposting this post on LOST by Wade from the Virgins. Visit his blog at TV WADE.
Ultimate LOST theory!!!
...sweet guitar solo.
And the island was made by the bicentennial man so he go go back in time to make more clocks, after the world was ended by jack. And since time is not linear or even fully comprehended by the bicentennial man, this makes perfect sense. This is reveled very early and the last 5 episodes are of the bicentennial man trying on suits and and projecting old movies out of his head.
failin can be quite a breeze
Date: May 28, 2009 12:12 PM
Subject: Adam Green is touring in the UK this fall w/ The Cribs!
Check out Adam's fall tour dates in the UK with the cribs!!Adam is so stoked to be touring again!! See you at his shows!!9.25.09 Cambridge Junction w/ The Cribs9.26.09 Oxford Academy w/ The Cribs9.28.09 Norwich UEA w/ The Cribs9.29.09 Glasgow Barrowland w/ The Cribs9.30.09 Newcastle University w/ The Cribs10.02.09 Manchester Apollo w/ The Cribs10.03.09 Liverpool University w/ The Cribs10.04.09 Cardiff University w/ The Cribs10.06.09 Exeter University w/ The Cribs10.07.09 Southhampton Guildhall w/ The Cribs10.08.09 Leamington Spa Assembly w/ The Cribs10.10.09 Leeds Academy w/ The Cribs10.15.09 London Forum w/ The Cribs
team ag
In other news (and this is mostly for John)
"---- - Luke Rathborne is 21 YEARS OLD. He moved to New York from the deep woods & shallow waters of Brunswick, Maine in August, 2006, staying on his brother's couch deep inside the upper burroughs, before moving into the darkness of the Charlie Pineapple Theater Company on North 8th, an abandoned theater loft in Brooklyn - he's since left for higher ground and has been living in and around Brooklyn ever since."
Check out his myspace.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
May 27 road race
Its a cool style of racing, as anyone can win.
A style of road racing in Australia where riders are given time handicaps in bunches, with scratch being the last riders to leave and limit being the first riders to leave. The time intervals between groups, and the allocation of riders to groups is decided by the race handicapper, based on rider's ability, age and form. Race honours are usually awarded to the first 5 to 10 riders (depending on the size race) and to the fastest time." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycling_terminology
click on each photo for larger version