Monday, September 29, 2008

My Journey Home

I am home! Well, after stranded on the side of the highway for almost one hour adding up my journey to 10 hours ride, have to hitch up another bus, four seater bus to be exact (I paid for VIP bus) and then have to wait at highway toll for another half an hour since the bus could only drove my other three friends and me there. God, saying that out loud just make me realize how adventures my journey to my hometown was. At least, it makes me more appreciate and savoring my remaining days at home.

As you may have noticed, I already putted up a new header (I hope you guys like it, I really in hurry to finish it) and changed the color of my blog a little bit. This is just for the Eid ul-Fitr a day that Muslim will celebrate in next couple days. This year celebration perhaps will be the busiest year for me since my very helpful and less-appreciated-until-she-gone maid was ending up her contract. My mother doesn’t want to continue the maid's contract or take any new maid until the end of the year just to make sure that whether my dad would take or not a job offer in Kuala Lumpur.

She also hope that she will be transferred from her current work place to a nearer to home by this year end. So, my brothers and I have to do the cleaning jobs around the house. I know, you may be surprised, by it really has been long before I start to take up my finished dish to the sink again. Sigh. How things change. We are not spoiled kids. Yeah, may be a little, but we learn those domestic works from the second best teacher – by observation (the best one is to actually experience doing the job itself, but I don’t think that is the point).

Anyhow, after a tired day (the same day I spent 10 hours on the bus) doing house cleaning, sweeping, cutting grasses – my house seems like in autumn season, we spent the next day doing shopping. It seems like forever we doing the family shopping together too. Well, I guess after all, this Eid ul-Fitr is a special one. Will be missing out for the celebration! Be sure to wait for my celebration update after this!
