Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We vs. Death - We too are Concerned / We are too concerned (2005)

“Brass meets strong rhythm and guitars. A dusty sound reminiscent of bigger cities in summer, not to be found in Holland at all.” We vs. death surprises you with every turn they make on their instrumental journey where trumpet, guitars, bass and drum battle and make peace and love.

Keine Beschreibung der Welt würde besser auf diese niederländische Band passen als die oben angeführte, deshalb werde ich es auch garnicht erst versuchen und lasse die Musik für sich sprechen.

Die Cd kann direkt über die Band für 12 Euro bestellt werden.

01 - And how to translate it
02 - Pictures from Stanford
03 - Snow Cushioned the fall
04 - One light will do
05 - Thomas Corner and the valley houses
06 - (Yes), We went to Novgorod
07 - Mother and Father and me
08 - Fieldfire

Genre: Post Rock
128 kBit/S

Buy and Support - mail to: info@wevsdeath.nl
Buy and Support
PW: postrockcommunity.blogspot.com