Thursday, October 30, 2008

Angry Left: HuffPo Writer Stabs Ex 222 Times

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Stabs Ex-Lover 222 Times
With a Phillips-Head Screwdriver

Huffington Post has, in its archives, stories about the fake "Kill him!" event that never happened.

Wonder if this gal wrote any of them?

From the Palm Beach Post, Police: Ex-lover killed woman in rage in Boynton Beach:

BOYNTON BEACH — Carol Anne Burger killed her former lover by stabbing her 222 times with a Phillips-head screwdriver and then took pains to hide her crime, police said Wednesday.

Burger, who on Oct. 7 was tapped to cover the election for the Web site, The Huffington Post, still sometimes felt sad and isolated. Kalish, whom Burger had married in Massachusetts in 2005, had met another woman.

Some of Burger's friends couldn't believe it.

The PBPost's account: "My gut tells me that it's impossible and that something else is going on," said Helen Gale, Burger's close friend and confidante. "This is just beyond belief."

Gives new meaning to the phrase, "The Angry Left".

by Mondo
hat tip: dossier

* istock
* oscarjr