Obama's Missing Records:
Medical, College, University, Birth Certificate and Other Records
Packaging Barack Obama Part 1
"If it's too good to be true then it's probably a scam."
[UPDATE: Obama Birth Certificate Federal Lawsuits
Berg v. Obama lawsuit in Philadelphia federal court is dismissed due to Phillip Berg having lack of standing to sue. Obama birth certificate lawsuit news in the section below.]
The refusal of the Obama campaign to allow the public to see Obama's records just days before the election is somewhat mystifying.
Unless there is something in them that the campaign feels will be damaging to their efforts to win the White House.
The spate of lawsuits popping up in state courts over the Obama birth certificate issue is a side one. Obama supporters can argue that Obama has produced an image on his website of a Certificate of Live Birth.
Fair enough. But Obama supporters can make no case for the candidate's refusal to release his other records. An informed electorate needs information.
That the reason we're more concerned with Obama making his other records off-limits to public scrutiny: medical records, college and univesity records.
Occidental College Records
Columbia University Records
Harvard University Records
Birth Records
University of Chicago Records
Obama's Medical Records?
Barack Obama has refused to release his medical records. Instead, the public will have to make do with an undated letter signed by a doctor which assured the press and the American public that Obama was "in excellent health".
* Obama College, Medical, Birth Records: Who is Barack Obama?
* Obama Medical Records: MSM’s Don’t Ask, Obama’s Don’t Tell Policy
* Obama Records: Obama Campaign Still Refuses to Release Medical, Other Records
As DBKP noted last week, when John McCain delayed releasing his medical records to the press last May, the New York Times thundered to it dwindling readers:
"No presidential candidate should get to the point that he has locked up his party’s nomination without public vetting of his health."
--New York Times, on John McCain in May 4 2008 "Missing Records"
Six months later, the New York Times is predictably silent on the still-secret Obama medical records.
Obama's Occidental College Records?
The only trace of Barack Obama at Occidental College that the public is allowed to see is a few poems that may be ordered on the college's website.
"Transcripts of his poems are available upon request."
Obama's Columbia University Records?
Contributing to the mystery is the fact that nobody knows just how well Mr. Obama, unlike Senator McCain and most other major candidates for the past two elections, performed as a student.
The Obama campaign has refused to release his college transcript, despite an academic career that led him to Harvard Law School and, later, to a lecturing position at the University of Chicago. The shroud surrounding his experience at Columbia contrasts with that of other major party nominees since 2000, all whom have eventually released information about their college performance or seen it leaked to the public.
--Obama's Years at Columbia Are a Mystery
Obama's Harvard University Records?
Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign says his campaign will bring a new level of honesty and transparency to the White House. Obama proudly touts that he and Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla, passed a law requiring more transparency via a public database of all federal spending.
But when it comes to offering the public documents about his own public and private activities, Obama’s record for openness gets an "F" grade.
During the heated Democratic primary, Obama complained of the Bush White House being “one of the most secretive administrations in our history” and chided Sen. Hillary Clinton for not releasing her White House schedules.
Ironically, Obama, just days away from possibly being elected president, continues to stonewall a growing chorus of information requests for documents about his legislative, personal health, education, financing, and background -- leaving many voters to cast ballots based on incomplete information.
--Obama: Most Secretive Democratic Candidate Ever
Obama Birth Certificate
Phillip Berg's lawsuit in federal court to force Obama to provide his birth certificate to a federal judge was dismissed yesterday due to Berg's lack of standing.
The order and memorandum came down at approximately 6:15 p.m. on Friday. Philip Berg's lawsuit challenging Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president of the United States had been dismissed by the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick on grounds that the Philadelphia attorney and former Deputy Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lacked standing.
--Lawsuit Against Obama Dismissed from Philidelphia Federal Court
Berg's lack of standing was cited by many, including our crack research department, as the reason the Berg v. Obama suit would likely be dismissed.
This lack of standing will not settle the issue in the eight state courts where suits have been brought for the same reason as Berg. Their chances on the standing issue are greater.
Jeff Schreiber, Two Articles: Two Sides of Berg v. Obama, remarks on the same Newsmax article we saw last evening, Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit.
The first piece is by Kenneth Timmerman of Newsmax, the same reporter who, just a few days ago, wrote so well about the questionable $63 million in Barack Obama's campaign coffers. He goes into detail about Obama's birth certificate, even providing a link to the Certificate of Live Birth provided by the Illinois senator, and an official Certificate of Live Birth from a person born just two years later. Reproduction issues aside, one quite obviously provides more information than the other.
Timmerman also raises an interesting point by highlighting a segment from one of Obama's memoirs in which he actually mentions the document:
Ironically, Obama mentions his birth certificate in passing on Page 26 of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams of My Father.” “I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school,” he wrote.
As much as I am a skeptic as to all of this business--I've said time and time again that I simply feel as though we are constitutionally obligated to ensure that our leaders are properly vetted--this, to me, presents a question as to why it was necessary for Obama to provide an obviously laser-printed, recent copy of his birth records in the first place. If he had his original, tucked in among articles and old vaccination forms, why not just provide that one?
Timmerman asks a good question.
OUR PREDICTION: It won't be the last time the question is asked before Election Day 2008.
The quote at the top of the page was by New Zealand Consumer Affairs Minister Judith Tizard and was used in New Zealand during 2007 to kick off something called Fraud Awareness Month.
Many readers are likely familiar with the job interview process. The process is simple: The prospective employer is trying to determine if the person he hires will enjoy success with the hiring company.
The company asks for information through an interview, the job application, a resume and the person wanting the job supplies various records--especially college and university records--to the employer to help the company make a decision. If the job is an attractive/important one, the employer will want as much information as possible.
Barack Obama is asking the American people to hire him as President of the United States.
It's a very important job.
If he wants the American people to hire him, he should provide as such basic information that plenty of other candidates have provided in the past: medical records, college records, university records and other records.
The Obama campaign is essentially asking the American people to trust him; to hire him as President.
He can begin earning that trust by providing his records to the press and public.
by Mondo Frazier
images: Newsmax; dbkp file; great little box