Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama, McCain Flag Pin Watch: Taking Turns Playing Gotcha

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Hey, MsM and Bloggers, Dems and GOP:
Stop the flag pin blood feud!

by Rhonda Roland Shearer

Nicole Belle, CrooksandLiars.com, claimed, gotcha!, Apr. 19 08, "Notice Anything? John McCain doesn't wear an American flag pin on THIS WEEK" (Arrows in photos are original to Belle's article. Are they big enough? )
Image source

Taking Turns on the Obama, McCain Flag Pin Watch

On Sunday, Oct. 26, Fox News showed The View’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck introducing VP candidate Sarah Palin. Hasselbeck emphasized that Palin wears a flag pin for her son, who serves in the Army. Palin reached for her lapel and smiled right on cue, as if she were Hasselbeck’s sidekick modeling jewelry on the Home Shopping Network.

That's fine. But what does the focus on the pin mean for her boss, John McCain, who does not always wear his flag pin? McCain made it clear last October, when he was asked about Barack Obama not wearing a flag pin, that he "doesn't wear a flag pin on a daily basis."

Obama soon started to wear a pin after that dust-up. (See LA Times, Breaking News: Obama caves! Flag pin returns to his coat lapel, Apr.16 2008). Case closed? Not a chance. Dem and GOP pin watchers alike cannot give it up.

Later on Oct. 26, there was Fox News again, this time Hannity's America, flogging the flag pin flap, replaying a 2007 Obama interview - breaking news! - in which he first said he would not wear the flag pin.

Not to be outdone, one web site has assembled a "montage" of press photos of John McCain in the 70 days after he secured the Republican presidential nomination. In none of the more than 1,300 images reviewed between March and May was McCain wearing a flag pin. Yet by the fall, the pin's absence was still enough of an issue that the Louisville, Ky., Courier-Journal reported on Oct. 1 that McCain "did not wear an American flag lapel pin during the debate."

So what's the "gotcha" all about?

Continue reading: Hey, MsM and Bloggers, Dems and GOP: Stop the flag pin blood feud!

by Rhonda Roland Shearer

image: Stinky Journalism
source: Hey, MsM and Bloggers, Dems and GOP: Stop the flag pin blood feud!