Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween, Peace and 23 Awards

Halloween is here! I never celebrate Halloween, so I don’t know the history behind it. But yesterday, I stumbled upon a post about history of Halloween. Nice reading. Click here to read: Purplefrogcat. For those who are celebrating it, Happy Halloween to you. I hope you guys will be having a blast time today! Oh and I think the coolest Halloween costume is to be Amy Winehouse! LOL. Just see how Cindy Crawford dressed (picture above). Cool huh?

Okay. On unrelated topic, as you may recall, I did a post about Mimi’s Blog Blast for Peace. It turns out; she made a special post about my image!

A young Malaysian blogger named BlueCrystalDude created this powerful image for BlogBlast For Peace. He writes, "Even though the blood doesn’t seems real, I think I managed to convey the message, which is “The World is Bleeding, Give it a Rest!” It’s indeed bleeding badly, thanks to human made wars, crimes and lots of envy. Even the trees are gone and the ice is melting. If we are not doing anything now, I am sure peace will be a rare commodity in the near future." This future chemical engineer said it succinctly. Thank you, Dude – Mimi
And there are some wonderful comments too!
That is a good one. It's not pleasant to ponder the ills of the world, but if we look away we tend to forget or deny they are happening. – Starlight

Awesome... get's right to the point. – Dawn

I often wish the world would be given a rest! – Dianne

Wow. That's one of the more powerful messages I've seen. – Travis
If you haven’t joined it, please do so! The date of countdown is on 6 November.

Lastly, I also received 7+7+1+8 which equals to… (Hurm.. I should know this one. Wait, let me check my calculator) 23 awards from Kak Emila, Mangosteenskin, Jean Chia and Nikillas! Double yey! I just received several awards last week. I really need to update my award gallery. It’s already out of date. Thank you everyone for such wonderful awards. A thank you seems not enough to shows my gratitude. But it sure will drive me further in making lots of great posts. Thank you again for showing your loves and kindness. May God bless you all!

From Kak Emila:

1. Uber Award
Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
~ inspires you
~ makes you smile and laugh
~ or maybe gives amazing information
~ a great read
~ has an amazing design
~ and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
2. Super Blogger

3. I Love Your Blog

4. I Love Your Blog

5. Butterfly Award

6. BFF Gold Card

7. Amazing Friendship Award

From Mangosteenskin:

8. Amazing Friendship Award

9. I Love Your Blog

10. Super Blogger

11. I love your Blog

12. BFF Gold Card

13. Butterfly Award

14. Uber Award

From Jean Chia:

15. Butterfly Award

16. Uber Award

17. I Love Your Blog

18. A Red Rose

They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut or that they propagate? Then let’s try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.
20. I Love Your Blog


It means: Walking together

22. You are Too Sweet

From Nikillas:

23. Cool Blogger

First Commenter:


P/S: If you were giving me awards and I forgot to mention in the above post, please do let me know! I usually list out awards that I received each week, but somehow I forgot to do so this week. I will mention you later! Sorry for the hiccup :)