Spanking new Hot News This Week
News 1:
After stopped my circulation of Hot News This Week for quite a sometime now, I decided to refurbish this supposed to be weekly session. Thus, with a new spirit and new Hot News This Week header, you can see the old header below, plus a brand new tagline instead of “News That Caught My Attention throughout This Week” (long and boring) to “The News You Want to Hear” (short and relating to the picture accompany it). Nonetheless, the content is about the same, if not only better. I will choose news that is worth reading and commenting throughout the week. I prefer health relating news, family, entertainment, politic, economic and most of it will be weird and open to debate news. What about you? What type of news do you prefer to read and comment on? Give me your thoughts!
The old Hot News This Week
News 2:
How your kitten a week before born will looks like? Or your cute little Chinhuahua during the final week of pregnancy will be? Or how a baby kangaroo in its mother's pouch, where it will stay for six months before it hops into the world will looks like.
The National Geographic channel and Channel 4 series (in Britain) have traced his incredible journey, from conception to birth, using revolutionary film-making processes. Since you cannot just stick a camera into an animal’s womb (because you will end up killing the embryo), they have to get a help from a team of model makers to recreate the embryos at various stages.
So, thanks to the latest technology, the ground-breaking photographic techniques, plus state-of-the-art graphics, 4-D scanning techniques and the most sophisticated natural history models ever, have all been used to provide an unparalleled glimpse into a world that few of us would ever expect to see.
Well, now you know how much alike we have with those animals. Without the brain or usage of it, no wonder there is a say, “bodoh macam lembu” or a direct translation in English, “stupid like a cow”. We do much alike with those animals more than we are dare to admit. Do I still gonna hear "Aww.. These pictures are so cute..."?
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